.NET Core Wrapper for CEX.IO
CexCore is a first (at least on NuGet) .NET Core version of CEX.IO that covers all methods CEX.IO is providing.
CexCore was originally forked Github project from fasetto which was then ported to .NET Core. I have maintained it until CexCore hit version 2.0.0. In that version I have build CexCore from scratch which means I have moved away from original forked code.
Older code that was forked and maintained is now under repository with changed name, so CexCore repository is now reserved for version 2.0.0 and above.
To work with this API library you need to have valid and verified cex.io account.
For start, under your account select Profile
Under API tab, mark all 5 boxes under PERMISSIONS and click on Generate Key
In order to give your developer account full access you need to enable all boxes under PERMISSIONS.
When your key is generated, write somewhere your User ID, Key and Secret before you clik on Activate. When you click on Activate your Secret will become hidden and you will need to delete this key and generate new if you forgot to write those 3 things down before you activated your key.
You will need those 3 information if you want to work with CexCore library.
Entire source is available in this repository and you can check that I am not sending your sensitive data anywhere.
Create appsettings.json file if you already don't have it in your project. Store your cex.io sensitive information there.
IMPORTANT!: Make sure your appsettings.json have next setting:
- Copy to Output Directory: "Copy always"
Steps to use that appsettings.json file:
- Install NuGet package:
install-package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json
Call that appsettings.json from your code:
2.1. Use IConfiguration:
IConfiguration configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional:true, reloadOnChange:true)
In first parameter of AddJsonFile method, make sure you have included relative path to that json file.
2.2. Make sure you pass IConfiguration to whatever place you need. Package by itself doesn't include any constructor with IConfiguration, because I don't want to force anyone to use IConfiguration (and appsettings.json) if they don't want to.
2.3. Get any of needed value from appsettings.json by using IConfiguration:
var value = _configuration.GetSection("cexCredentials")
IMPORTANT: I have used code above with example string values. Instead of "cexCredentials" you can name your JSON object whatever you like and same goes with value "userId" (key in JSON object).
You will pass those _configuration values in constructor of any object that requires your credentials.
CexCore provides several exceptions in the package:
- UserIdNotProvidedException -> You will see this exception if you don't provide user id.
- ApiKeyNotProvidedException -> You will see this exception if you don't provide api key.
- ApiSecretNotProvidedException -> You will see this exception if you don't provide api secret.
- CexCollectionException -> You will see this exception if your collection is empty or null.
- CexNullException -> You will see this exception if response contains unwanted null in some property.
If you find any issues regarding code or documentation, please open a new issue on CexCore issues
If you are openning issue for documentation, please include in title "[Documentation]" prefix.
cex.io provides public API that doesn't require your credentials. CexCore package covers them under CexCore.Data namespace under Public class. In this part of documentation, you will find how to use methods under that class. Note that every return type under both Public and Account class is Tuple with first parameter being HttpStatusCode and second parameter being appropriate object representing data from the response.
var currencyLimits = await new Public().GetCurrencyLimitsAsync();
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, CurrencyLimitsResponse>
using static CexCore.Common.Symbols;
var ticker = await new CexCore.Data.Public().GetTickerAsync(CryptoCurrency.BTC, Fiat.USD);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, TickerResponse>
using static CexCore.Common.Symbols;
List<CryptoCurrency> listOfSymbols = new List<CryptoCurrency>();
List<Fiat> listOfFiat = new List<Fiat>();
var response = await new Public().GetTickersForPairsByMarketAsync(listOfSymbols, listOfFiat);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, TickerForPairsResponse>
using static CexCore.Common.Symbols;
var lastPrice = await new Public().GetLastPriceAsync(CryptoCurrency.BTC.ToString(), Fiat.EUR.ToString());
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, LastPriceResponse>
using static CexCore.Common.Symbols;
List<CryptoCurrency> listOfSymbols = new List<CryptoCurrency>();
List<Fiat> listOfFiat = new List<Fiat>();
var tickerByMarket = await new Public().GetTickersForPairsByMarketAsync(listOfSymbols, listOfFiat);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, TickersForPairsResponse>
using static CexCore.Common.Symbols;
var converter = new Converter()
Amount = "1"
var convertedAmount = await new Public().GetConvertedAmount(
CryptoCurrency.BTG.ToString(), CryptoCurrency.BTC.ToString(), converter);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, Converter>
using static CexCore.Common.Symbols;
var orderBook = new OrderBookRequest()
Symbol1 = CryptoCurrency.BTC.ToString(),
Symbol2 = Fiat.USD.ToString(),
Depth = 1
var orderBook = await new CexCore.Data.Public().GetOrderBook(orderBook);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, OrderBookResponse>
using static CexCore.Common.Symbols;
var tradeHistory = new TradeHistoryRequest()
Symbol1 = "BTC",
Symbol2 = "USD",
Since = 1000
var trade = await new Public().GetTradeHistory(tradeHistory);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, TradeHistoryResponse>
cex.io provides private API that require your credentials. CexCore package covers them under CexCore.Data namespace under Account class. In this part of documentation, you will find how to use methods under that class. Note that every return type under both Public and Account class is Tuple with first parameter being HttpStatusCode and second parameter being appropriate object representing data from the response.
var accountBalance = new AccountBalanceRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret);
var account = new Account();
var balance = await account.GetAccountBalanceAsync(accountBalance);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, AccountBalanceResponse>
var baseRequest = new BaseRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret);
var openOrders = await new Account().GetOpenOrdersAsync(baseRequest);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, OpenOrdersResponse>
var baseRequest = new BaseRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret);
var openOrdersByPair = await new Account().GetOpenOrdersByPairAşync("BTC", "USD", baseRequest);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, OpenOrdersResponse>
var activeOrderStatus = new ActiveOrderStatusRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret);
List<string> list = new List<string>();
activeOrderStatus.OrdersList = list.ToArray();
var activeOrders = await new Account().GetActiveOrderStatusAşync(activeOrderStatus);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, ActiveOrderStatusResponse>
var cancelOrderRequest = new CancelOrderRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret);
cancelOrderRequest.Id = 12379128;
var cancelOrder = await new Account().CancelOrderAşync(cancelOrderRequest);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, CancelOrderResponse>
var baseRequest = new BaseRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret);
var cancelAllOrders = await new Account().CancelOrdersForGivenPairAşync("BTC", "USD", baseRequest);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, CancelAllOrdersForGivenPairResponse>
Limit order:
var placeOrderRequest = new PlaceOrderRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret)
Type = "buy",
Amount = 12,
Price = 1155.67m
var placeOrder = await new Account().PlaceOrderAşync("BTC", "USD", placeOrderRequest);
Market order:
var placeOrderRequest = new PlaceOrderRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret)
Type = "buy",
Amount = 12,
OrderType = "market"
var placeOrder = await new Account().PlaceOrderAşync("BTC", "USD", placeOrderRequest);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, PlaceOrderResponse>
var cryptoAddressRequest = new CryptoAddressRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret)
Currency = "BTC"
var address = await new Account().GetCryptoAddressAşync(cryptoAddressRequest);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, CryptoAddressResponse>
var request = new BaseRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret);
var fee = await new CexCore.Data.Account().GetMyFeeAşync(request);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, GetMyFeeResponse>
var cancelReplaceOrderRequest = new CancelReplaceOrderRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret)
Type = "buy"
var cancel = await new Account().CancelReplaceOrderAsync("BTC", "USD", cancelReplaceOrderRequest);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, CancelReplaceOrderResponse>
var request = new OpenPositionOrderRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret)
Symbol = "BTC",
MSymbol = "BTC"
var openPosition = await new Account().OpenPositionAsync("BTC", "USD", request);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, OpenPositionOrderResponse>
var request = new ClosePositionRequest(userId, apiKey, apiSecret)
Id = 1290312
var closePosition = await new Account().ClosePositionAsync("BTC", "USD", request);
Return type of this method is Tuple<HttpStatusCode, ClosePositionResponse>