contains code to interact with the curvtron server. is an interface around this that is compatible with the gym environments.
conda create -n cc python=3 spyder scikit-image
conda activate cc
pip install websocket-client
To see the environment drawing the players, run the following in a python script, replacing "server_address" with the actual address of your curvytron server (e.g. (or use "" to run on the website):
import curvytron
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
serveraddress = "" # if you're running a local server
# serveraddress = "" # if you want to run on the game website
env = curvytron.CurvytronEnv(server=serveraddress,room='room')
episode_over = False
while not episode_over:
ob,r,episode_over = environment.step(2)
print "done"
- adapt client for step-by-step version of curvytron
- Need to handle more message passing, probably want something equivalent to only taking every Nth frame
- add message handling for room close, player leaving etc.
- add the other methods and attributes required to make this a full gym environment.