This repo contains:
- VNF Packages
- Scripts for generating the disk image (LXD/KVM)
These are the files to create the VNF Packages.
To create the tar files:
cd nfv
The tar files can then be uploaded into Open Baton.
NOTE: The OAI SPGW requires kernel modifications and therefore cannot be run in a container, instead it must be run in a KVM.
Use diskimage-builder to create a qcow2 image. You will need access to a linux box (can be a kvm or virtual box).
cd /tmp
sudo python
sudo pip install --upgrade pip dib-utils networkx
sudo apt install -y curl kpartx python-yaml qemu-utils kpartx
cd ~/
git clone
Upgrade setuptools to the latest version: (from setuptools-18.3.3 to setuptools-36.2.2 for example – python ./ install may fail with the older version of setuptools)
sudo pip install -U pip setuptools
cd diskimage-builder
sudo python ./ install
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ~/
git clone
export ELEMENTS_PATH=~/OAI_VNF/images/oai_kvm_files/dib_elements
disk-image-create -o OpenAirInterfaceEPC -t qcow2 -a amd64 -x ubuntu vm OpenAirInterfaceEPC
glance image-create --name oai-image-kvm --visibility private --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2 --file OpenAirInterfaceEPC.qcow2 --progress
Use custom built image generator located at
cd ~/OAI_VNF/images/oai_lxc_files