- create virtual env -->
virtualenv venv
- activate venv -->
source -r venv/bin/activate
- install requirements -->
pip install -r requirements.txt
- install Gmail-Auth package -->
pip install ./Gmail_Auth0-0.1.tar.gz
- cd into project directory -->
cd anwesha
- create a .env file in anwesha folder
- add the following to .env file
- run the server -->
python manage.py runserver
- use Snake_case not CamelCase
- Use comments
- whenever you use some new dependency always add that to requirement.txt
- use
pip freeze > requirements.txt
- use
- use docker build command to build the image ( ❗ please note that you should run this command in 📁 root directory where docker file is present ) )
docker build --tag <image_name>:latest .
- run the image either from docker dashboard or using cli
docker run --name <image_name> -d -p 8000:8000 <imagge_name>:latest