Live Demo :
- This app allows employee to request leave and track their leave detail based on the leave approval.
- If leave is approved then calculate remaining leave, Calculates number of leave taken per month.
- Create a directory and pull the source code to the directory
- Create and activate a virtual environment
- Point the directory towards path where file exists
- Install the dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run python migrate
- Run python createsuper to create superuser
- Run python load_master_data to load groups into database
- Then request in browser. On sucessful run Welcome page appears.
- Request in the url to login as superuser.
- After sucessful login add Leave such as Sick leave, Casual leave with number of days from the admin panen.
- Then you can create employees, Make sure to add group "employee" to the user added.
- Then an employee can login and request leave, track leaves througn the app.
Note: .env file has to be added in project directory for secret key
Branch leave-production is for deployment in Heroku.