Admin login:
username: root
password: root
2. View Job according to category, type, company, location, etc
3. CV upload
3. Apply for Job
4. Create Online Resume
5. View Applied Jobs
6. Admin Panel for Users under groups ( Company, Admin )
7. Job Creation
8. Group creation and User assignment
9. View Job Applicant
10. Select Applicant for Interview
11. Hire Applicant
12. Filter Applicant list according to Company, Name, Selected, etc
13. Download CSV file for Filtered Applicant List
14. RestAPI Build for users, jobs, job applications and so on.
- Clone the project with Http , or download the project.
- Open command promt and change the directory to jobportal.
- Create a virtual environment in the command promt using " mkvvirtualenv name " where name can be of your choice.
- Run Command " pip install -r requirements.txt " to install required packages.
- Go to Postgre Admin and create a database "jobportal" and User login "job_portal" with password "root".
- Run "python runserver" in the command promt.
- Run "python creategroups" command to create default group
- To access Admin Panel login as Admin group or Company group.