LLM-RDF: Large language model (LLM)-based reaction development framework.
The code and data repository of "Accelerated end-to-end chemical synthesis development with large language models".
- The backend of the web application can be found in backend.
- The frontend of the web application can be found in frontend.
- The source data of figures in the paper can be found in Source Data.
- The files used to build llm-based agents and interact with llm-based agents can be found in Files for LLM-based agents.
- An online deployment of the application: https://ruan-yixiang.github.io/LLM-RDF/#/main
Please refer to the demo.mp4 file provided to use the web application.
- Pull Docker Images
# AMD64
docker pull ruanyixiang/llm_rdf_back:latest
docker pull ruanyixiang/llm_rdf_front:latest
# ARM64
docker pull ruanyixiang/llm_rdf_back:arm
docker pull ruanyixiang/llm_rdf_front:arm
- Run Back-End Service
docker run -p {BACKEND_PORT}:81 -d ruanyixiang/llm_rdf_back
- Run Front-End Service
Replace {BACKEND_URL} with the actual backend deployment URL.
Replace {OPENWEBUI_URL} with the actual OpenWebUI deployment URL (unnecessary).
docker run --env=BACKEND_URL={BACKEND_URL} --env=VUE_APP_OPENWEBUI_URL={OPENWEBUI_URL} -p {FRONTEND_PORT}:83 -d ruanyixiang/llm_rdf_front
# Example
docker run --env=BACKEND_URL="" -p 83:83 -d ruanyixiang/llm_rdf_front
- Access the Application
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Ruan-Yixiang/LLM-RDF.git
- Install the backend environment
Use conda to install the dependencies listed in requirements.txt:
# Create a new conda environment named 'llm_rdf_back' with Python 3.8
conda create -n llm_rdf_back python=3.8
# Activate the newly created environment
conda activate llm_rdf_back
# Install the required Python packages from requirements.txt
pip install -r Backend\ Files/requirements.txt
- Run Back-End Service
You can modify the backend url in backend/backend.py
cd Backend\ Files/
python backend/backend.py
- Install Node.js (v16.16.0) on your device
- Install the npm
In a new terminal, navigate to the frontend directory and install npm:
cd frontend
npm install -g [email protected]
- Run Front-End Service
You can modify the backend_url and openwebui_url in vue.config.js
npm run dev
LLM-RDF is distributed under an MIT License.