I continued the js quiz that I did during Anjana Vakil's course, I added a new interactive style, progress bar and previous button
I made a deployment https://quiz-js-roxana-teodora.netlify.app/, was inspired by https://templates.seekviral.com/quiza/quiz/Quiz6/index.html and https://templates.seekviral.com/qzain/quiz/Quiz12/index.html
statement should be the "statement" div optionButtons should be all the elements within the "options" div explanation should be the "explanation" div
Its value should be an object with a statement, true/false answer, and explanation
TODO 4: Declare disable & enable functions to set or remove the "disabled" attribute from a given button element
disable(button) should set the button element's attribute "disabled" to the value "" enable(button) should remove the attribute "disabled" from the button element
isCorrect(guess) should return true if the guess matches the fact's answer
#TODO 6B: Within the event handler function, display the fact's explanation by setting the text of the explanation element
Use a for loop to disable all the option buttons
Get the guessed value from the clicked button Use a conditional to compare the guess to the fact's answer add the "correct"/"incorrect" class as appropriate