The aim of this plugin is to give you the ability to create and associate any kind of medias in your application. This plugin is the adapation from Grafikart's Media Plugin for CakePHP 3.
- BelongsTo and hasMany Media association for you model;
- Upload using drag & drop based on dropzone.js;
- Image uploader integrated with tinymce 4.2 and CKEditor 4.5
- Run :
composer require romano83/cakephp3-media
- Import The file
in your database
In your config\bootstrap.php
file, add this line
Plugin::load('Media', ['bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => true]);
By default, the plugin is blocked for everyone. To set proper permissions, you can implement canUploadMedia() method in your YourApp\AppController
For exemple :
public function canUploadMedias($model, $id){
if($model === 'YourApp\Model\Table\UsersTable' && $id == $this->Auth->user('id')){
return true; // Everyone can upload medias for their own records
return $this->Auth->user('role') == 'admin'; // Admins have all rights
To use this plugin, you must load the MediaBehavior
in your tables. Form instance, if you want to manage medias for your posts :
namespace MyApp\Model\Table;
use Cake\ORM\Table;
class PostsTable extends Table
public function initialize(array $config)
'Media.Media', [
'path' => 'img/upload/%y/%m/%f', // default upload path relative to webroot folder (see below for path parameters)
'extensions' => ['jpg', 'png'], // array of authorized extensions (lowercase)
'limit' => 0, // limit number of upload file. Default: 0 (no limit)
'max_width' => 0, // maximum authorized width for uploaded pictures. Default: 0 (no limitation)
'max_height' => 0, // maximum authorized height for uploaded pictures. Default: 0 (no limitation)
'size' => 0 // maximum autorized size for uploaded pictures (in kb). Default: 0 (no limitation)
For the path option, you have numerous parameters :
- %y Year
- %m Month
- %f Sluggified filename
- %id Media Id
- %cid Media Id /100
- %mid Media Id /1000
In order to add media upload and edit capabilities in your views, you can use MediaHelper
To do so, add in your AppController
namespace App\Controller;
class AppController extends Controller
public $helpers = ['Media.Media'];
Or in your AppView
namespace App\View;
class AppView extends View
public function initialize()
$this->loadHelper( 'Media.Media' );
For example, you can add an iframe to manage medias:
<?= $this->Media->iframe('Model', 'ID'); ?>
Or you can add text editor (tinymce for instance) inside form :
<?= $this->Form->create(); ?>
<?= $this->Media->tinymce($fieldname, 'Model', 'Id', array $options); ?>
<?= $this->Form->end(); ?>
This method take the same array $options
than native FormInput
If you want to add thumb for your posts, you must add media_id
field in your 'Model' database table.
In order to upload pictures, you should implement draft system for your model.
- Add the ability to edit a media when clicked;
- Add resize, crop, flip and rotate functions;
- Finish unit test...
- You have find a bug ? You can open an issue
- Clearly describe the issue including steps to reproduce when it is a bug.
- Make sure you fill in the earliest version that you know has the issue.
- Screenshots and code exemple are welcome in the issues.
- You want to implement a new feature or fix a bug ? Please follow this guide :
- Your code must follow the Coding Standard of CakePHP. Check the cakephp-codesniffer repository to setup the CakePHP standard.
- You must add Test Cases for your new feature. Test Cases ensure that the application will continue to working in the future.
- Your PR should be on the
- Grafikart for the first version of this plugin !