An application to help new artists gain recognition and develop a fanbase. Allows musicians to upload music, and fans to download music, stream music, and rate music.
Ruby On Rails
Ruby version: 4.1
Database used: Development => MySQL, Deployment => Postgres 3
Initialization: Run these commands in order to initialize this application:
bundle install
rake db:drop
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rails s
app -> Contains our rails application
config -> routes.rb (contains the routing logic for our application).
db -> schema.rb (specifies the data model powering this application), migrate -> contains all the migrations we used to build the schema.
public -> Contains all uploaded/static files and music.
test -> Contains our test cases for controllers and models.
vendor -> Contains the JPlayer library
Gemfile -> Contains all the gems used in this application
assets -> Contains all the CSS (Inside the stylesheets folder) and Javascript (Inside the javascripts folder) for our website.
controllers -> Contains all the logic of our application. These are responsible for responding to a specific request (as specified in routes.rb), performing the logic of the application and rendering the appropriate view/return XML/test
models -> Contains multiple classes which map to tables within the database (ORM using ActiveRecordAssociation). This represents the data layer of our application.
views -> Mainly contain the presentation logic of our application. Folder names correspond to controller names (The controller with the name of the folder renders a view from that folder). Includes stylesheets & javascript from the assets folder.
For people who are new to rails, controllers contain actions (class methods) which selects the view (html page etc.) to be displayed to the user.
How actions work : if no URL is specified after the function call, the controller selects a view (html page)which matches the name of the action itself.
Eg. redirect_to url_for(:controller => :home, :action => :showHome) is a function called in actions of the controller which redirects user to another action of another controller. In this way, we can redirect users to specific routes.
For the views folder, some pages are broken into sub-html.erb files for instance, ‘buttons’, ‘forms’, ‘navigation bars’ and these sub-sections are sometimes called with <%= render PAGE %> tag.
To view the our entire project files, you can also go to