Webman Classics Maker is tool for the PS3 that makes PKG shortcuts for ISO files straight to the home menu. It is using web commands through webMAN-mod to mount and launch the ISOs automatically: http://www.psx-place.com/threads/webman-mod-web-commands.1508/
This software is under GPLv2 license: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html, not to be confused with the GPLv3 license.
Get the latest build from releases: https://github.com/Roet-Ivar/Webman-Classics-Maker/releases/
SCETOOL 0.2.9 (scetool.exe): https://github.com/naehrwert/scetool
OpenSCETool (oscetool): https://github.com/spacemanspiff/oscetool
PSL1GHT pkgcrypt (python3 version) https://github.com/lephilousophe/PSL1GHT/tree/use-python3/tools/ps3py
PARAM_SFO_EDITOR (Aldos PS3 tool collection) https://www.aldostools.org/
webMan-mod https://github.com/aldostools/webMAN-MOD
Credits goes to all of you guys!
- PS3: Dump your disc-based games (multiman is great for this)
- PS3: Make sure webMan-mod from aldostools is installed
- PC: Start Webman Classics Maker application
- PC: Fetch games-list over FTP
- PC: Build PKG forwarder for the game you like
- PS3: Install PKG on PS3 and enjoy disc-images straight from XMB
- If you hear three fast beeps: Probably a misspelled path to the ISO, double check it (case sensitive)!
- Games only mounts but doesn't automatically start: the timings on the webcommand are not enough for your HDD read speeds, see the forum thread for mor info.
- install python3.9+ x86_64 (https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-390/)
- pip install Pillow (might be bundled in the windows version)
- pip install pyinstaller
- pip install tqdm
Building the executable
- Run the pyinstaller-scipts located in: /Webman-Classics-Maker/resources/tools/util_scripts/_pyinstaller_and_release_scripts/
- Run your new webman-classics-maker.exe based on your new changes
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install python3.9
- sudo apt-get install python3-tk
- sudo apt-get install python-pip
- sudo apt-get install python3.9-dev
- pip install Pillow
- pip install pyinstaller
- pip install tqdm