This is an addon for TerraFirmaCraft TNG adding currency related items to the game. Currently there are 4 coin tiers: Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum Coins that are craftable in the TFC Anvil from metal sheets. Currently each sheet adds 10 coins.
Maybe more coin materials (bronze, maybe others?)
Clay molds for early coin making with a slightly smaller yield (maybe 2-3 coins / 100 units instead of 5)
Coin exchanging (example: 100 copper to 1 silver unshaped recipe)
More translations if required (feel free to create a pull request if you would like to!)
Original coin icons are from Ordinary Coins mod from flametaichou (licensed under MIT)
Big thank you for the TFC and TFC-TNG devs for this amazing mod!
- UeberallGebannt: German translation and updated textures to match TFC materials