- This is a demo app to demonstrate the basic communication using gRPC.
- There are two servers in this app: Python-FastAPI with a gRPC server and Java-SpringBoot with a gRPC server.
- I added a few DDD concepts to this app, but I only isolated layers where the functions are called from the inner layers.
- The ports in Java are the interfaces that prevent my services from using infra code directly.
- The adapters in Java are the implementation of the ports.
- There are no ports in my Python code. I put my adapters in the services modules although this is not a standard architecture.
Clients (Blocking Stub) --> Java-SpringBoot --> Java-gRPC --> Python-gRPC
Clients (Ansync Stub) --> Python-FastAPI --> Python-gRPC --> Java-gRPC
- Build the proto files.
# java
# Use Maven and IDEA to build the proto files.
# Python
python -m grpc_tools.protoc \
--proto_path=. \
--python_out=. \
--pyi_out=. \
--grpc_python_out=. \
- Start the servers
- Java:
- Python:
- Java:
- Use Swagger to test the APIs
- Java:
- Python:
- Java: