IRC Bot in Haskell
By RocHack
- Reads configuration in ~/.hircbot/cfg
- Writes logs to stdout and ~/.hircbot/YYYY-MM-DD.txt
- Connects to IRC to the set of channels specified.
- Responds to commands starting with !h or !hircbot:
- say: repeats input
- about: prints HircBot by nmbook
- whoami: prints your nick, username, host
Set up Haskell:
# or equivalents for your distribution yum install haskell-platform ghc-MissingH ghc-network
Download to directory.
Put settings in ~/.hircbot/cfg:
Settings that are read (all lines must be in format "key = value"):
- Server = IRC host name
- Port = IRC port (must be numeric)
- Nick = IRC nick
- Pass = IRC server password
- Username = IRC username
- RealName = IRC real name field
- Channels = comma separated list of channels to join on connect (no spaces allowed)
Make sure runnable:
chmod +x HircBot.hs
Run it: