A backup and clone of the Robotics Club of Central Florida (RCCF) club website. You can go to our website here. As this git repo is serving as a backup and commit site more documentation and samples can be found here. For more general information or how to join the RCCF web team DM the web team lead on the RCCF discord.
On Linux lazy docker is recommended and can be found here.
Most of the project is installed using npm, this should be installed alongside Nodejs. Before following the commands below make sure your within the installed directory. In all you should have a docker container running postgres running, and another terminal running the svelte server + client, everything will update as you develop, or evaluate it
To install Nodejs packages and dependencies from a package.json file use:
npm i
Starts the docker based postgres database.
docker compose up -d
Improve RUN performance by pre-loading jigs (may fail on windows but not a requirement).
npm run db
Generates a prisma client for testing.
npx prisma generate
Creates a draft migration that can be edited live before being applied to the database.
npx prisma migrate dev --name RCCF
Starts a dev environment for you to see changes being made by you live.
npm run dev
To access the Prisma database use
npm run studio
- Update Home Page
- Update Cards
- FAQ section
- Sponsors page
- Tier List
- Anonymous submission/reporting system
- Discord bot integration
- Gallery Page
- Member’s Page
- News Letter/Blog Page
- Summer Term Button (free trial)
- QR Code Tracker System
- Fading Projects Blocks
- Github Link/Icon
- Edit profile as a separate button
- Member's Survey
- Major "other" dropdown
- Membership history after selecting yes to "previous member?" (semester, 1 year, 2 years 3 years, etc.)
- Fix allergies/disabilities options
- Add "other" dropdown
- How did you hear about us?
- Forced renewal of survey (every 4 months)
- Custom Profile Pictures
- Actually working Forget Password
- Add first and last name to the survey database