gif-clj is a small set of functions wrapping this java encoder.
; write-gif is a simple utility for creating a gif from a set of images
; :delay sets the timing between images (ms)
; :lastdelay sets the timing for the last image
; :loops determines how many times the gif will loop. The default (0) is to loop forever
(write-gif "out.gif" [images] )
(write-gif "out.gif" [images] :delay 100 )
(write-gif "out.gif" [images] :delay 100 :lastdelay 2000)
(write-gif "out.gif" [images] :delay 100 :loops 1)
write-gif returns false if an IOException occured (this is because of the java implementation).
- provide better exception (or any) handling
- tests
- reimplementing the java implementation.
Copyright (C) 2011 Robin Ramael
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.