A downloader for VRT Nu and Vier
This project uses the .NET Core 3.1 runtime. To build this project you need to have the .NET Core SDK installed on your system. If you only want to run the compiled binary the .NET Core 3.1 Runtime will do.
Building the project can be done from Visual Studio or from the comand line
$ dotnet build -c Release
After building the project you can run the program by navigating to the outpt folder and starting the dotnet executable
$ cd bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1
$ dotnet ./EpisodeDownloader
Program configuration is done using the config.yml
Using your preffered editor you can change the configuration according to the YAML spesificaton.
The EpisodeDownloader
section of the configuration file contains the core configuration
DownloadPath: /tmp # Path where new episodes wil be downloaded to
SavePath: Downloads # Completed episodes wil be moved here
Overwrite: false # Overwrite file if destiantion alreadey exists
SaveShowsInFolders: true # Create separate sub folders per show
SaveSeasonsInFolders: true # Create separate sub folders per season
DownloadExtension: mkv # The output file extension
WatchUrls: # Urls to watch
- https://www.vrt.be/vrtnu/a-z/w817.relevant/
- https://www.vrt.be/vrtnu/a-z/thuis.relevant/
Plugin providing downloader for VRT Nu
This plugin adds folowing section to config.yml
Email: # Your VrtNu email
Password: # Your VrtNu password
This plugin uses email address and password for authentication, these need to be added in the config file
To find the show url to add, search your show on VRT Nu and copy the url. This url looks like this:
This is an episode specific url and will stop working is the episode gets removed.
To keep our downloader working we need to moddify our url to reflect a show url.
The show url is acquired by stripping {{Season}}/ and {{Episode}}/ from the url and adding .relevant
after {{Show}}.
The url should now look like this:
Note the tailing /
Episode url:
Show url:
- https://www.vrt.be/vrtnu/a-z/w817.relevant/
- https://www.vrt.be/vrtnu/a-z/thuis.relevant/
Email: [email protected]
Password: FooBar
Plugin providing downloader for Vier
This plugin adds folowing section to config.yml
Email: # Your Vier email
Password: # Your Vier password
This plugin uses email address and password for authentication, these need to be added in the config file
- https://www.vier.be/video/de-dag/de-dag/de-dag-aflevering-1/
- https://www.vier.be/video/callboys/callboys-seizoen-1/
Email: [email protected]
Password: FooBar