.NET core powered tool to help download MSDN Channel 9 videos for offline viewing.
Use git clone --recurse-submodules
to clone this repository.
Better documentation to come, but the intent of this tool is to facilitate downloading of channel 9 training videos for offline use.
PRE-CONDITION: .NET Core SDK or Visual Studio 2017 installed.
Use git clone --recurse-submodules <repository_url>
to clone this repository.
Build with Visual Studio 2017
- Open \src\channel9-dl.sln
- Build (i.e. CTRL+SHIFT+B)
Build with .NET Core SDK
- cd to \src\ directory.
- Use
dotnet restore channel9-dl.sln
to restore all NuGetPackages. - Use
dotnet build channel9-dl.sln
to build the solution.
NOTE: To download channel 9 session content for offline use:
- Navigate to Channel 9's event/show site. For example, https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2018
- Click the "RSS" icon and navigate to the feed. For example, https://s.ch9.ms/Events/Build/2018/RSS.
- Cut/paste this feed and use as the
input parameter below.
cd to ..\src\channel9-dl\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\
Run :
dotnet channel9-dl.dll --rss https://s.ch9.ms/Events/Build/2018/RSS -d C:\MyVideos\Build2018 --mp4 --mp3 --hd -n 5
dotnet channel9-dl.dll --rss https://s.ch9.ms/Events/Ignite/2018/RSS -d C:\MyVideos\Ignite2018 --mp4 --mp3 --hd -n 5
- --rss is required - specify the RSS feed from the channel 9 event containing the recordings
- -d is required - specify the local directory to where you wish to download the recordings
- --mp4 is optional - specify to include mp4 videos
- --mp3 is optional - specify to include mp3 audio tracks (BTW - no validation yet but if you do not specify at least one, nothing will be downloaded)
- --hd is optional - specify to indicate you wish to download the highest quality available. If not specified, the smallest filesize will be downloaded.
- -n is optional and determines the number of concurrent downloads