A repository of valuable information around the bash scripting
Indicates in which directory the shell is running
Creates a directory. It has many options, the main ones are :
- v for verbose to say that the script created the directory and
- p to has idempotent command, which means that if the directory already exists it won't return an error
- Less : To read a text file, you can add the -N to have the line number
- Tail, head : returns by default the 10 last/recent lines in a file. You can specify the number of lines with -n
Returns the list of files in a directory :
- -l : using this option allows you to have some details on the files such as the : date, size, permission and the type of file
- -lh : -lh is equivalent to -l -h, when adding the -h the size of the files are human readable
- -a : to show the hidden files
- ../. : indicates the parent directory, while "." indicates the current directory
This command tells the type of a file, it can be a symbolic file, an emty file, an executable file, an ASCII file ...
To remove a file or a directory. by default you can't remove a directory, you have to add the option -r
to move a file/ directory to a target directory.
Enables the creation of a symbolic link, file that likes to another file. It is necessary to use an absolute path for the source.
To copy a file, you can use the tag : --report-identical-files to make sure that the files are identical
to print a text
- \n : to go to the next line
- \t : to mark a tab space
- : to print all the files in a directory
- {} : to set variables and iterate over them : example
echo hello{rida,adam,lamy,safa}
orecho hello{1..5}
- $(()) : to do basic arithmetic operations : +,-,*,%,**
to search for something in a file, text or command response :
- -i: to ignore the case
- -c: to count the number of instances
It is possible to chain commands such as
echo here is the list of the files in this directory $(ls -l)
returns stats about the disc. example :
df -h /data
adduser creates a new user, and creates a file in the home directory
addgroup creates a new groupe, to add a user to the group we use the command : usermod -g [groupName] [userName]
delgroupe to delete a group
deluser to delete a user, you need to add "--remove-home" to remove the directory related to the user
When executing the command ls -l, we get the following line
on the left of every file are the permissions to access it. there are 3 groups of them :
Ignore the first "d", it just indicates that this is a directory 1- The first group indicates the permissions for the user :
- w : write permission
- r : read permission
- x : execute permission 2- The second group indicates the permissions for the group where the user belongs 3- The last group indicates the permissions for other users
these command are here to transfer the permissions from a user to another and from a group to another
This is the main command that changes the permissions of a file. It has the following syntax :
sudo chmod [entity] [operation] [permission]
- entity : it can have 3 values (u for user, g for group, o for other)
- operation : it can have 2 values (+ to add permissions, - to remove permissions)
- permission : it can have 3 values and it is cumulative (w to write, r to read and x to execute)
You will find within the repository multiple file with classic examples of scripts
to get an input value
read price
echo $price
if [[ $price >30 ]];
echo "this is too expensive !"
echo "not so expensive :)"
while loop :
read price
while [[ $price != 10 ]]; do
echo "not enough try again"
read price
echo bravo you have got it !
for loop :
for var in {rida,adam,brahim,fatima}; do
echo user $var
echo "hello et bienvenue $nom ";
read nom;
utilisateurs=("rida" "adam" "safa" "fatima")
for var in ${utilisateurs[@]}; do
echo the user is $var
Be careful the white space can cause errors when declaring your arrays, there shouldn't be any white space between the "=" and "("
This operation is used to send the result of a command as an input to the next one : for example
ls -1 |while read filename; do echo "here is a file "; done
To run a command after the other, we can either use ';' or '&&'. The difference is that if a command fails with ';' the following one will still bne executed, while with '&&' all the following command will not be executed