This is a subset of the LinkedSpending dataset (LS package 2013-9), which contains government spending information from around the world. The dataset uses the RDF Data Cube vocabulary. Only the spending observations were kept in this subset, extra contextual information was discarded. See the website and the paper for more details.
This README is a snapshot of documentation for the latest development version of the dataset. Full documentation for all versions can be found on the website.
- Title: LinkedSpending (en)
- Identifier:
- Has version:
- Theme:
- Financial statistics (eurovoc:4263)
- Official statistics (eurovoc:4267)
- Public expenditure (eurovoc:403)
- Public finance (eurovoc:1018)
- Creator:
- Konrad Höffner (1)
- Name: Konrad Höffner
- Comment: Creator and maintainer of the LinkedSpending dataset. (en)
- Homepage:
- AKSW team (2)
- Name: AKSW team
- Homepage:
- Piotr Sowiński (3)
- Name: Piotr Sowiński
- Comment: Processing the dataset
- Nickname: Ostrzyciel
- Homepage:
- Konrad Höffner (1)
- License:
- Source:
- Date Issued: 2023-05-01
- Date Modified: 2024-08-29
- Landing page: linked-spending (dev)
- Conforms To: Metadata (
- Has stream type usage:
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of graphs corresponding to statistical observations or other subjects (e.g., statistical properties). Each graph is uniquely identified by its subject IRI. (en)
- Has stream type: RDF subject graph stream (stax:subjectGraphStream)
- RDF stream type usage (2)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of triples. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF triple stream (stax:flatTripleStream)
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Has stream element count: 2,477,552
- Has stream element split:
- Type: Stream elements split by topic (rb:TopicStreamElementSplit)
- Comment: Each stream element corresponds to one subject (usually an observation). (en)
- Has subject shape:
- Has subject shape (1)
- Comment: Some elements have their class missing. (en)
- Target subjects of: Label (rdfs:label)
- Has subject shape (2)
- Comment: Target instances of any class. (en)
- Target subjects of: Type (rdf:type)
- Has subject shape (1)
- Uses vocabulary:
- Conforms to W3C RDF 1.1 specification: yes
- Conforms to W3C RDF-star draft specification as of December 17, 2021: yes
- Uses generalized triples: no
- Uses generalized RDF datasets: no
- Uses RDF-star: no
- Title: Full stream distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of graphs corresponding to statistical observations or other subjects (e.g., statistical properties). Each graph is uniquely identified by its subject IRI. (en)
- Has stream type: RDF subject graph stream (stax:subjectGraphStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Full distribution (rb:fullDistribution)
- Stream distribution (rb:streamDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 2,477,552
- Byte size: 346.0 MB
- Media type: text/turtle
- Packaging format: application/tar
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Download URL:
- Title: Full Jelly distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of triples. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF triple stream (stax:flatTripleStream)
- RDF stream type usage (2)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of graphs corresponding to statistical observations or other subjects (e.g., statistical properties). Each graph is uniquely identified by its subject IRI. (en)
- Has stream type: RDF subject graph stream (stax:subjectGraphStream)
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Has distribution type:
- Full distribution (rb:fullDistribution)
- Jelly distribution (rb:jellyDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 2,477,552
- Byte size: 398.5 MB
- Media type: application/x-jelly-rdf
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Download URL:
- Title: Full flat distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of triples. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF triple stream (stax:flatTripleStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Flat distribution (rb:flatDistribution)
- Full distribution (rb:fullDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 2,477,552
- Byte size: 576.5 MB
- Media type: application/n-triples
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Download URL:
- Title: 1M elements stream distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of graphs corresponding to statistical observations or other subjects (e.g., statistical properties). Each graph is uniquely identified by its subject IRI. (en)
- Has stream type: RDF subject graph stream (stax:subjectGraphStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Stream distribution (rb:streamDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 1,000,000
- Byte size: 139.9 MB
- Media type: text/turtle
- Packaging format: application/tar
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Download URL:
- Title: 1M elements Jelly distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of graphs corresponding to statistical observations or other subjects (e.g., statistical properties). Each graph is uniquely identified by its subject IRI. (en)
- Has stream type: RDF subject graph stream (stax:subjectGraphStream)
- RDF stream type usage (2)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of triples. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF triple stream (stax:flatTripleStream)
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Has distribution type:
- Jelly distribution (rb:jellyDistribution)
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 1,000,000
- Byte size: 161.9 MB
- Media type: application/x-jelly-rdf
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Download URL:
- Title: 1M elements flat distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of triples. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF triple stream (stax:flatTripleStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Flat distribution (rb:flatDistribution)
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 1,000,000
- Byte size: 233.9 MB
- Media type: application/n-triples
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Download URL:
- Title: 100K elements stream distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of graphs corresponding to statistical observations or other subjects (e.g., statistical properties). Each graph is uniquely identified by its subject IRI. (en)
- Has stream type: RDF subject graph stream (stax:subjectGraphStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Stream distribution (rb:streamDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 100,000
- Byte size: 10.0 MB
- Media type: text/turtle
- Packaging format: application/tar
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Download URL:
- Title: 100K elements Jelly distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of triples. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF triple stream (stax:flatTripleStream)
- RDF stream type usage (2)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of graphs corresponding to statistical observations or other subjects (e.g., statistical properties). Each graph is uniquely identified by its subject IRI. (en)
- Has stream type: RDF subject graph stream (stax:subjectGraphStream)
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Has distribution type:
- Jelly distribution (rb:jellyDistribution)
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 100,000
- Byte size: 13.4 MB
- Media type: application/x-jelly-rdf
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Download URL:
- Title: 100K elements flat distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of triples. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF triple stream (stax:flatTripleStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Flat distribution (rb:flatDistribution)
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 100,000
- Byte size: 17.4 MB
- Media type: application/n-triples
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Download URL:
- Title: 10K elements stream distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of graphs corresponding to statistical observations or other subjects (e.g., statistical properties). Each graph is uniquely identified by its subject IRI. (en)
- Has stream type: RDF subject graph stream (stax:subjectGraphStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Stream distribution (rb:streamDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 10,000
- Byte size: 1.3 MB
- Media type: text/turtle
- Packaging format: application/tar
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Download URL:
- Title: 10K elements Jelly distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of graphs corresponding to statistical observations or other subjects (e.g., statistical properties). Each graph is uniquely identified by its subject IRI. (en)
- Has stream type: RDF subject graph stream (stax:subjectGraphStream)
- RDF stream type usage (2)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of triples. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF triple stream (stax:flatTripleStream)
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Has distribution type:
- Jelly distribution (rb:jellyDistribution)
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 10,000
- Byte size: 1.4 MB
- Media type: application/x-jelly-rdf
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Download URL:
- Title: 10K elements flat distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of triples. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF triple stream (stax:flatTripleStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Flat distribution (rb:flatDistribution)
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 10,000
- Byte size: 2.0 MB
- Media type: application/n-triples
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Download URL: