This application is part of Udacity - Android Developer Nanodegree and based on Udacity's project rubric shared below:
App is written solely in the Java Programming Language
App utilizes stable release versions of all libraries, Gradle, and Android Studio.
Display recipes
App Navigation
Utilization of RecyclerView
App conforms to common standards found in the Android Nanodegree General Project Guidelines.
Application uses Master Detail Flow to display recipe steps and navigation between them.
Application uses Exoplayer to display videos.
Application properly initializes and releases video assets when appropriate.
Application should properly retrieve media assets from the provided network links. It should
properly handle network requests.
Application makes use of Espresso to test aspects of the UI.
Application sensibly utilizes a third-party library to enhance the app's features. That could
be helper library to interface with ContentProviders if you choose to store the recipes, a UI
binding library to avoid writing findViewById a bunch of times, or something similar.
Application has a companion homescreen widget.
Widget displays ingredient list for desired recipe.