Code and data repository for the study of the PIWI gene aubergine in the fly gut
122 transposon sequences from D. melanogaster used in this study. It was originally annotated in Senti 2015 (PMID: 26302790)
The code was used to analyse the small RNA sequencing data for gut and ovary samples from Drosophila melanogaster.
The code was used to analyse the poly-A selected RNA sequencing data from fly guts.
The code was used to analyse the size distribution and nucleotide composition of TE mapping small RNA reads normalised to endo-siRNAs abundance (see also
The code was used to make scatter plots of piRNA genomic tile coverage and the table that summarises data from all libraries (see also
The code was used to make scatter plots of TE mRNA counts using the outputs of salmon mapping (see also