Doubts have been raised in Spain regarding whether, somehow, the covid-deaths are largely unreported. This projects aims at assisting in clarifying the issue by comparing the following datasets:
- the reported daily fatalities due to covid,
- the mortality figures due to all causes (MoMo).
A Jupyter notebook is included, together with the dataset at 20200414. This dataset has been compiled from official sources:
The only manipulation of the datasets corresponds to cleaning excess data as:
- dates beyond the target time frame,
- geographical dissaggregations,
- demographic dissagregations.
The results (at 20200414) show that there is likely an underreporting at the cumulated level:
- 18800 excess deaths over the 99% threshold compared to 18600 reported deaths due to covid.
- 22300 excess deaths over the average compared to 18600 reported deaths due to covid.
This represents an overall underreporting of 15% at the cumulated level.
There is also likely an under-reporting at the daily level:
- daily reported peak of deaths due to covid: 950
- daily peak of excess deaths over 99% threshold: 1250
- daily peak of excess deaths over average: 1360
This represents a peak underreporting of 24 to 30% at the daily peak level.
Warning The data from MoMo are horribly inacurate up to one week of their publication date. Attached one example: