This code sample is written in tensorflow
and tf.keras
. The code has been tested on tensorflow==1.14
and keras==2.2.5
clone the repo:
git clone
Download sample dataset(GTSRB Dataset):
cd AIPDC ./
Run badnet trainer and insert forward triggers into the model
mkdir output python gen_backward/ --train --poison-type FF --poison-loc TL --poison-size 8 --epochs 10 --display
Currently supported options:
- train: marks whether to train the model
- poison-type: forward trigger type. Currently support FF & whitesquare
- poison-loc: forward trigger location. Currently support TL(Top Left) & BR(Bottom Right)
- poison-size: forward trigger size
- epochs: train epochs
- display: to show train plot or not
to evaluate the forward-trigger insert process, run
python gen_backward/ --checkpoint [your model]
to check the insert influence.
Run backward trigger generator and generate
datamkdir backward_triggers python3 gen_backward/ --checkpoint output/badnet-FF-TL-8-10-0.97.hdf5
- checkpoint: the model saved in Step3.
After the implementation,
will be saved to the directory/backward_triggers
Apply Poisoned Data Cleanse Algorithm
mkdir retrain_models python clean_and_retrain/ --checkpoint output/badnet-FF-TL-8-10-0.97.hdf5 [optional:--narrow,--retrain]
Currently support parameters:
- narrow: whether the mask and pattern was trained with narrowed dataset.
- retrain: after detecting data, whether to retrain the model with the eliminated dataset.
Evaluate the retrained model
python3 clean_and_retrain/ --checkpoint output/retrain-FF-TL-8-06-0.98.hdf5