Created on Linux using CodeLite IDE and Qmake based.
#For the RAKO HUB Lighting controller to HomeAssistant MQTT interface
This is a work in progress..... your mileage may vary... it was written in a day as a test.. it worked awesomely. Error checking is minimal - it was quick!
- Config Discovery pushing to HomeAssistant
- Individual lights controllable (16 Channels)
- 5 SCENE switches... SCENE 0 should be set to OFF
- Events from RAKO (Scene and lightint values)
Rooms are to be configured from 1 to 32 (If you want more, then change the values) - Scenes are set in the RAKO unit
rako_adapter -r [RAKO ip address] -m [MQTT IP] -u [MQTT Username] -p [MQTT Password]
Product_Type: Hub
Product_HubId: 12345cad-254f-0000-beef-4d63deadbeef
Product_MAC: 70:B3:D5:--:--:--
Product_Version: 3.1.6
Room 0 [LIGHT] House Master
Room 1 [LIGHT] Hallway
Channel 1 Channel 1
Channel 2 test
Room 2 [LIGHT] downstairs bathroom
Channel 1 Channel 1
Room 3 [LIGHT] plant room
Channel 1 Channel 1
Room 5 [LIGHT] dining
Channel 2 Dining room pendants
Channel 3 dining downlights