ThreadGun is a form of multithreading created for developers keen on building fast and stable application.
- Support async method
- Will be notify when exception occurred
- Will be notify when process completed
- Postpone the process
- Join to process
- Pause and resume process
- Optimum perfomance
- Easy Installation using NuGet
- See the Example project.
- See the SiteBruteForcer.
- See the ProxyGather.
First, add ThreadGun to your project using NuGet. look at Simple Example
private void btnThreadGun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var tg = new ThreadGun<int>(ActionThreadGun, Enumerable.Range(1, 50000), 20);
tg.Completed += tg_Completed;
tg.ExceptionOccurred += tg_ExceptionOccurred;
private void tg_ExceptionOccurred(IEnumerable<int> inputs, Exception exception)
private void tg_Completed(object inputs)
MessageBox.Show(@"ThreadGun Process Completed!");
public void ActionThreadGun(int i)
Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
lstThreadGunResult.Items.Add($@"> {i} <");
lblInfoThreadGun.Text = $@"Item Count : {lstThreadGunResult.Items.Count}";
if (i == 250)
throw new Exception("ExceptionOccurred Test!");
If you have a method with more than one parameter, you can put the parameters in another class and change method's input type to it.
For Example :
public void ActionThreadGun(int i,int j)
Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
lstThreadGunResult.Items.Add($@"> {i} , {j} <");
if (i == 250)
throw new Exception("ExceptionOccurred Test!");
Change it to :
public void ActionThreadGun(Point p)
Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
lstThreadGunResult.Items.Add($@"> {p.i} , {p.j} <");
if (p.i == 250)
throw new Exception("ExceptionOccurred Test!");
public class Point
public int i { get; set; }
public int j { get; set; }
new ThreadGun<Point>((Action<Point>)ActionThreadGun, new List<Point>() { new Point() { i = 20, j = 40 } }, 20);
new ThreadGun<T>((Action<T>)ActionByParameter, IEnumerable<T>, ThreadCount)
new ThreadGun<T>(Func, IEnumerable<T>, ThreadCount)
new ThreadGun<T>(Action, MagazineCount, ThreadCount)
- T is type of inputs
- ActionByParameter is the method that you want to invoke and type of that method's parameter is T
- Action(WithoutParameter) is the method that you want to invoke
- Func is the async method that you want to invoke and type of that method's parameter is T
- IEnumerable is your input which type of that is T
- MagazineCount is count of method executed
- ThreadCount is count of thread executed action at same time
Install as NuGet package:
Package manager:
Install-Package ThreadGun