Releases: ResonantHbbHgg/bbggLimits
Releases · ResonantHbbHgg/bbggLimits
Implementation of the ttH tagger cut in the scripts
- The variable of the ttHtagger is added to limit trees
- An option implemented to cut on the tagger when running the limits (cut is applied to the dataset)
- Example:
--ttHTaggerCut -0.1
to by added to the arguments
- Example:
Final run of the 2016 analysis
This includes the recent bug fix of photon correction, changes in scripts and updated readme file with running instructions.
Mitigating photon corrections bug
The mgg mass obtained from diPhoton candidates was not corrected properly. In this version the mass is constructed from the two single photons to mitigate this issue.
Preparing the cards for combination
- Splitting JEC and b-tagging nuisances in the datacards.
- Updating the code to propagate b-tagging nuisances properly
Updates after CWR
- Plotting scripts merged into master
- Kt-scaling implemented
- Scripts to submit jobs to batch updated.
CWR changes from Max
Changes that come from Maxime, bun not yet merged with master.
Release with 2016 results and MX fix
A fix for non-resonant results of the MX variable definition is implemented.
For more details on the issue see here:
Release used for Eps17 results
v2.2-Eps17 Update
Latest code from Rafael after approval
v2.1-goodbye-rafael Goodbye
After merge of pull #11
Preliminary code for Moriond 2017 results