A beautifully designed administration tool for your organization projects, with an intuitive control panel, which gives you easy access to the EXIF meta-data of an image, generate KMZ and more. Carefully crafted by the team of Rentadrone.cl.
See the documentation for tutorials and more guides.
This project is part of the UNICEF Innovation Fund Discourse community. You can post comments or questions about each category of Rentadrone Developers algorithms. We encourage users to participate in the forum and to engage with fellow users.
Help improve our software! We welcome contributions from everyone, whether to add new features, improve speed, fix existing bugs or add support. Check our code of conduct, the contributing guidelines and how decisions are made.
Any code contributions are welcomed as long as they are discussed in Github Issues with maintainers. Be aware that if you decide to change something and submit a PR on your own, it may not be accepted.
You can open a new issue based on code from an existing pull request. For more information, see the template for filling issues
Exiftool adapter (wrapper for the exiftool binary)
Installation of the exiftool binary on debian based system
sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl
The geodata underlying the map are generate with OpenStreetMap (OSM)
"SourceFile": "/tmp/phpUKu1AA",
"ExifTool:ExifToolVersion": 10.8,
"System:FileName": "phpUKu1AA",
"System:Directory": "/tmp",
"System:FileSize": 822090,
"System:FileModifyDate": "2020:06:03 16:51:37+00:00",
"System:FileAccessDate": "2020:06:03 16:51:38+00:00",
"System:FileInodeChangeDate": "2020:06:03 16:51:37+00:00",
"System:FilePermissions": 600,
"File:FileType": "JPEG",
"File:FileTypeExtension": "JPG",
"File:MIMEType": "image/jpeg",
"File:ExifByteOrder": "II",
"File:ImageWidth": 640,
"File:ImageHeight": 512,
"File:EncodingProcess": 0,
"File:BitsPerSample": 8,
"File:ColorComponents": 3,
"File:YCbCrSubSampling": "2 2",
"JFIF:JFIFVersion": "1 1",
"JFIF:ResolutionUnit": 0,
"JFIF:XResolution": 1,
"JFIF:YResolution": 1,
"IFD0:Make": "DJI",
"IFD0:Model": "FLIR",
"IFD0:XResolution": 1,
"IFD0:YResolution": 1,
"IFD0:ResolutionUnit": 1,
"IFD0:Software": "",
"IFD0:ModifyDate": "2019:03:28 17:05:49",
"ExifIFD:FNumber": 1.25,
"ExifIFD:DateTimeOriginal": "2019:03:28 17:05:49",
"ExifIFD:ApertureValue": 1.54221082540794,
"ExifIFD:FocalLength": 13,
"ExifIFD:SubSecTimeOriginal": 301,
"ExifIFD:FocalPlaneResolutionUnit": 4,
"GPS:GPSLatitudeRef": "S",
"GPS:GPSLatitude": 27.1128060277778,
"GPS:GPSLongitudeRef": "W",
"GPS:GPSLongitude": 70.1780021666667,
"GPS:GPSAltitudeRef": 0,
"GPS:GPSAltitude": 1175.4,
"GPS:GPSMapDatum": "WGS-84",
"IFD1:Compression": 6,
"IFD1:XResolution": 1,
"IFD1:YResolution": 1,
"IFD1:ResolutionUnit": 1,
"IFD1:ThumbnailOffset": 576,
"IFD1:ThumbnailLength": 14705,
"IFD1:ThumbnailImage": "(Binary data 14705 bytes, use -b option to extract)",
"XMP-rdf:About": "DJI Meta Data",
"XMP-drone-dji:AbsoluteAltitude": 1175.492432,
"XMP-drone-dji:RelativeAltitude": 41.400002,
"XMP-drone-dji:GimbalRollDegree": 0,
"XMP-drone-dji:GimbalYawDegree": 89.199997,
"XMP-drone-dji:GimbalPitchDegree": -45.599998,
"XMP-drone-dji:FlightRollDegree": 9.2,
"XMP-drone-dji:FlightYawDegree": 73.400002,
"XMP-drone-dji:FlightPitchDegree": -2.7,
"XMP-FLIR:CentralTemperature": 45,
"XMP-FLIR:TlinearGain": 0,
"XMP-FLIR:BandName": "LWIR",
"XMP-FLIR:CentralWavelength": 10000,
"XMP-FLIR:WavelengthFWHM": 4500,
"FLIR:CreatorSoftware": "ATAU_RBFO",
"FLIR:RawThermalImageWidth": 640,
"FLIR:RawThermalImageHeight": 512,
"FLIR:RawThermalImageType": "TIFF",
"FLIR:RawThermalImage": "(Binary data 655564 bytes, use -b option to extract)",
"FLIR:Emissivity": 1,
"FLIR:ObjectDistance": 20,
"FLIR:ReflectedApparentTemperature": 21.9999938964844,
"FLIR:AtmosphericTemperature": 21.9999938964844,
"FLIR:IRWindowTemperature": 21.9999938964844,
"FLIR:IRWindowTransmission": 1,
"FLIR:RelativeHumidity": 0.5,
"FLIR:PlanckR1": 17096.453125,
"FLIR:PlanckB": 1428,
"FLIR:PlanckF": 1,
"FLIR:AtmosphericTransAlpha1": "0.00656899996101856",
"FLIR:AtmosphericTransAlpha2": 0.0126200001686811,
"FLIR:AtmosphericTransBeta1": "-0.00227600010111928",
"FLIR:AtmosphericTransBeta2": "-0.00667000003159046",
"FLIR:AtmosphericTransX": 1.89999997615814,
"FLIR:CameraTemperatureRangeMax": 134.999993896484,
"FLIR:CameraTemperatureRangeMin": -25.0000061035156,
"FLIR:CameraTemperatureMaxClip": 149.999993896484,
"FLIR:CameraTemperatureMinClip": -60.0000061035156,
"FLIR:CameraTemperatureMaxWarn": 134.999993896484,
"FLIR:CameraTemperatureMinWarn": -25.0000061035156,
"FLIR:CameraTemperatureMaxSaturated": 149.999993896484,
"FLIR:CameraTemperatureMinSaturated": -60.0000061035156,
"FLIR:CameraModel": "",
"FLIR:CameraPartNumber": "",
"FLIR:CameraSerialNumber": "",
"FLIR:CameraSoftware": "",
"FLIR:LensModel": "",
"FLIR:LensPartNumber": "",
"FLIR:LensSerialNumber": "",
"FLIR:FieldOfView": 0,
"FLIR:FilterModel": "",
"FLIR:FilterPartNumber": "",
"FLIR:FilterSerialNumber": "",
"FLIR:PlanckO": 57,
"FLIR:PlanckR2": 0.0434707924723625,
"FLIR:RawValueMedian": 4027,
"FLIR:RawValueRange": 1724,
"FLIR:DateTimeOriginal": "2019:03:28 17:05:49.298+00:00",
"FLIR:FocusStepCount": 0,
"FLIR:FocusDistance": 0,
"FLIR:FrameRate": 0,
"FLIR:PeakSpectralSensitivity": 10.0753862044818,
"Composite:Aperture": 1.25,
"Composite:GPSAltitude": 1175.4,
"Composite:GPSLatitude": -27.1128060277778,
"Composite:GPSLongitude": -70.1780021666667,
"Composite:GPSPosition": "-27.1128060277778 -70.1780021666667",
"Composite:ImageSize": "640x512",
"Composite:Megapixels": 0.32768,
"Composite:SubSecDateTimeOriginal": "2019:03:28 17:05:49.301",
"Composite:FocalLength35efl": 13
Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited. We accept contributions via Pull Requests on GitHub.
If you want to contribute to Rentadrone.cl, be sure to review the contribution guidelines. This project adheres to Contributor Covenant's code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
**We use GitHub issues for tracking requests and bugs, please see
for general questions and discussion, and please direct specific questions to the team of Rentadrone.cl.**
- PSR-12 Coding Standard. The easiest way to apply the conventions is to install PHP CS Fixer.
- Add tests! Your patch won't be accepted if it doesn't have tests.
- Document any change in behaviour. Make sure the
and any other relevant documentation are kept up-to-date. - Consider our release cycle. We try to follow SemVer v2.0.0. Randomly breaking public APIs is not an option.
- Create feature branches. Don't ask us to pull from your master branch.
- One pull request per feature. If you want to do more than one thing, send multiple pull requests.
- Send coherent history. Make sure each individual commit in your pull request is meaningful. If you had to make multiple intermediate commits while developing, please squash them before submitting.
Happy coding!
If you discover a security vulnerability within, please send an e-mail via [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The code of conduct is derived from the Contributor Covenant. Any violations of the code of conduct may be reported to Rentadrone.cl
open-source software licensed under the MIT license.