This is the code that powers, a completely free live music streaming service utilizing the music of and The backend is powered by Alec Gorge's Iguana.
This code was written several years ago when I was in college and has remained relatively untouched since. It was not intended to be open sourced, but I can not come up with a single valid reason why it should not be. Peruse the source at your own risk [or mine?].
$ npm install
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ grunt watch
$ node server.js # in a new shell
You are welcome to contribute to this project, whether it be by opening an issue or sending a pull request. The code is, at times, messy. Feel free to reach out with questions or comments and I'll do my best to answer them.
If you do send a PR, please run $ grunt production
MIT – do whatever you want with it.
Alec Gorge built a phenomenal companion iOS app. Check it out here: [source]
Thanks to Alec Gorge, the wonderful people over at and, Jeff Lang, as well as the gracious musicians who allow free taping and distribution of their concerts.