Turn map and key files into areas quick and easy! No creative effort required! Publish vast swaths of boring territory with the push of a single button!*
This map
/ / \
0 Z-6-Q-R-Y 2-2
\ | \
4-6 N N N N N 5-5
| | | | | | / |
4 6-8-8-8-8-8-N 5-5
/ | | \ \ / \
C 4 N-6-O N Y-Y H-Y 1
\| | / | | \ /
0-A-6-F Y I-I-B-I W-1
| | | / | \ |
D G-6 J Y-I N-H-N I-1
| | | / \ | |
D-I-E-I-I-V M N-H-N 1
\ \ \ / / /
D-X-7-S L 9-U 1
| \ | / /
P-P-P-7-9-9 K-K-3
\ /
And this key
A Allyway
B Crescent and Dock
0 Beach, West Side
1 Beach, East Side
2 Beach, North Side
3 Beach, South Side
C Lighthouse
D Docks
E Main and Dock
6 Main St North
7 Main St South
F Bank
G Bookstore
H Crescent St
8 Crescent St Northwest
9 Crescent St Southwest
I Dock St
J Grocery
K Tide Crush Bluffs
4 Thornton Heights
5 Seaside Ridge
L Monument
M Chamber of Commerce
N House
O Post Office
P Waterfront Park
Q Cathederal
R Cementery
S Antique Mall
T Shipwreck
U School
V Hotel
W Comber's Shack
X Restuarant
Y Forest
Z Bed and Breakfast
Combines with this command line RMUDAreaGenerator Map portivymap.txt Key portivykey.txt AreaName "Port Ivy" OutDirectory "port-ivy"
to produce the port ivy area.
- Please don't do this.