Autonomous robot capable of finding and grabing cube from camera feed
The objective is to retrieve cubes in a particular order and bring them back to a precise area, with an autonomous robot. The robot is driven by an ESP68266 card communicating via wifi with a computer on which the code is executed. The computer is connected to an IP camera that films the board in which the robot evolves.
Detection of the position and orientation of the slave robot using an arUco code
Detection of the position and sorting of the cubes using openCV according to their colors
Creation of a trajectory vector between the robot and the next target
PID in position and rotation of the robot from the camera to follow the trajectory
Tracking of the opponent robot from a position selected at the beginning of the program, and predict his trajectory by derivating the pos
Dodge the opponent robot using its position and the A* algorithm.
creation of a strategy to recover the cubes to maximize the number of points depending on the distance, combos ...
UDP connection between robot and computer for command communication
code on ESP8266 for network communication, motor driver and last centimeter approach with ultrasound sensor. It receive commands from the computer and execute them.
- Download open CV and build it 1 - 2 - ( for Visual studio only )
build project from source code for testing purpose, You can use OBS ( ) virtual camera as a camera and create a scene with asset from the repo