A side-scroller game where you play as a robot fighting your way through a forest to reach your home! (With mobile support!)
Robo Run is an exciting, fast-paced side-scroller game where you control a robot navigating through a perilous forest filled with enemies and obstacles. Use the arrow keys (or swipe on mobile) to move, jump, and dodge deadly threats, while striving to rack up the highest score possible. The game features dynamic animations, enemy variety, and background music that enhances the immersive experience.
The game supports both desktop and mobile platforms, providing smooth gameplay across devices with responsive controls.
- Responsive Controls: Play using keyboard arrows or touch/swipe gestures on mobile.
- Enemy Types: Dodge and fight against enemies like flying demons and fireballs.
- Dynamic Background: Beautiful parallax scrolling background layers that change speed as you progress.
- Sound Effects and Music: Background music that adapts to the gameplay, with sound effects for running, jumping, and enemies.
- Game Over/Restart: The game ends when you collide with an enemy, but you can restart by pressing R or swiping down.
- Score and Progress: Keep track of your score, dodged enemies, and meters traveled.
- Modern web browser with JavaScript and HTML5 support.
- No installation required; just open the HTML file in your browser to play!
- Move left/right: Arrow keys or swipe left/right on mobile.
- Jump: Arrow up key or swipe up on mobile.
- Pause/Restart: Press R to restart or swipe down to restart when the game is over.
- Fullscreen: Click the fullscreen button to play in fullscreen mode.
- Canvas API: For drawing game elements like the player, enemies, and backgrounds.
- Vanilla JavaScript: For handling game logic, input, animation, and sound effects.
- Arrow keys: Move left, right, and jump.
- R: Restart the game after game over.
- F: Toggle fullscreen mode.
- Swipe up: Jump.
- Swipe down: Restart the game after game over.
- Tap the fullscreen button to toggle fullscreen mode.
Enjoy playing Robo Run and try to reach the highest score possible!