Converto is a React web app that converts units
Converto is an application that aims to convert from a unit to another such as from foot to inch and vice versa. This app has the most common units such length units, time units, ...etc. click on Converto to try the app and see it live.
click on Converto to try the app and see it live.
To run this app on your local machine there are some dependencies you have to install first. These dependencies are:
You should download it and install on your machine.
A great standalone tool to manage state change and decreases components coupling .
is a standalone tool that is not dedicated to React JS, we need another package to hook it within a React JS app and herereact-redux
comes to the scene. -
Bootstrap is the most popular CSS Framework for developing responsive and mobile-first websites.
Bootstrap 4 is the newest version of Bootstrap
React bootstrap replaces the Bootstrap javascript. Each component has been built from scratch as a true React component, without unneeded dependencies like jQuery.
React Router is the most popular routing library for React. It allows you define routes in the same declarative style:
< Route path = "/home" component = {Home} />
To install all dependencies use your Command Line to browse to the project folder and hit:
npm install
then hit the next command to run the app:
npm start
There was only big challenge, It was how to store all units in a hierarchy that makes it easy to deal with them and extract them to show on the screen as next two images image:
I tried to set them in a form that makes it easy to deal with the units, next code:
export const allUnits = [
// length units
id: 1,
name: 'Length',
fromTo: [
{ name: 'Mile', value: 1609.35 },
{ name: 'Kilometer', value: 1000 },
{ name: 'Meter', value: 1 },
{ name: 'Centimeter', value: 0.01 },
{ name: 'Millimeter', value: 0.001 },
{ name: 'Yard', value: 0.9144 },
{ name: 'Foot', value: 0.3048 },
{ name: 'Inch', value: 0.0254 },
// weight units
id: 2,
name: 'Weight',
fromTo: [
{ name: 'Kilogram', value: 1000 },
{ name: 'Gram', value: 1 },
{ name: 'Milligram', value: 0.001 },
{ name: 'Pound', value: 2204.62262 },
// time units ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
id: 3,
name: 'Time',
fromTo: [
{ name: 'Hour', value: 3600 },
{ name: 'Minute', value: 60 },
{ name: 'Second', value: 1 },
{ name: 'Millisecond', value: 0.001 },
{ name: 'Microsecond', value: 0.000001 },
// Temperature units ----------------------------------------------------------------------
id: 4,
name: 'Temperature',
fromTo: [
{ name: 'Celsius', value: 0 },
{ name: 'Kelvin', value: -273.15 },
{ name: 'Fahrenheit', value: 32 },
// Area units ----------------------------------------------------------------------
id: 5,
name: 'Area',
fromTo: [
{ name: 'Square Mile', value: 1609.35 * 1609.35 },
{ name: 'Square Kilometer', value: 1000 * 1000 },
{ name: 'Square Meter', value: 1 },
{ name: 'Square Centimeter', value: 0.01 * 0.01 },
{ name: 'Square Millimeter', value: 0.001 * 0.001 },
{ name: 'Square Yard', value: 0.9144 * 0.9144 },
{ name: 'Square Foot', value: 0.3048 * 0.3048 },
{ name: 'Square Inch', value: 0.0254 * 0.0254 },
The application has been deployed to Github and can be found here.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.