This repository contains the source code of the paper "Evaluating Memory-Hard Proof-of-Work Algorithms on Three Processors", by Zonghao Feng and Prof. Qiong Luo.
The build instructions for each algorithm are as follows. There is also a build script available in the scripts folder.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build .
cd src/cuckoo
make mean29x8
make cuda29
Run performance tests for each algorithm with in the scripts folder (requires Python 3.3+).
# -t [num_of_threads]
./cpuminer --benchmark -a sha256d -q -t 40
./cpuminer --benchmark -a cryptonight -q -t 40
# -d [device_id]
./ccminer --benchmark -a sha256d -d 0
./ccminer --benchmark -a cryptonight -d 0
# -b [block_num] -i [iterations] -t [num_of_threads]
./ethash-fakeminer -b 10000 -i 50 -t 40
# [block_num] [device_id]
./ethminer --benchmark 10000 -U --cu-devices 0
# -t [num_of_threads] -r [rounds]
./mean29x8 -t 64 -r 10
./cuda29 -r 10
Requirement: perf (CPU, KNL), nvprof (GPU)
Power consumption monitoring: s-tui (CPU, KNL) and nvidia-smi (GPU)
perf stat -e L1-dcache-load-misses,mem_uops_retired.all_loads,mem_uops_retired.l1_miss_loads,LLC-loads,l2_requests.miss,mem_uops_retired.l2_hit_loads,mem_uops_retired.l2_miss_loads,unc_e_rpq_inserts,unc_e_wpq_inserts,unc_m_cas_count.rd,unc_m_cas_count.wr
perf stat -e mem_load_uops_retired.l1_hit,mem_load_uops_retired.l1_miss,mem_load_uops_retired.l2_hit,mem_load_uops_retired.l2_miss,mem_load_uops_retired.llc_hit,mem_load_uops_retired.llc_miss,uncore_imc/data_reads/,uncore_imc/data_writes/
nvprof -m sm_efficiency, achieved_occupancy, dram_read_throughput, dram_write_throughput, shared_efficiency, shared_load_throughput, shared_store_throughput, l2_read_throughput, l2_write_throughput, sysmem_read_throughput, sysmem_write_throughput, stall_inst_fetch, stall_exec_dependency, stall_texture, stall_sync, stall_other
i7-3770 | Xeon Gold 5115 | Xeon Phi 7210 | GTX 670 | Tesla K80 | GTX 1080 Ti | Tesla V100 | |
Hashcash (MH/s) | 25.21 | 190.26 | 191.18 | 159.31 | 577.74 | 1832.95 | 2724.92 |
CryptoNight (H/s) | 128.513 | 552.95 | 1005.2 | 91.21 | 478.57 | 780.14 | 1541.10 |
Ethash (MH/s) | 0.75 | 2.31 | 3.09 | 16.30 | 27.97 | 32.63 | 94.21 |
Cuckoo Cycle (G/s) | 0.24 | 0.67 | 0.54 | - | 0.85 | 3.92 | 5.39 |
This project is based on the following open-source projects: