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Gather data from a variety of sensors and send it to a timeseries database for analysis


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Monitor Lizard

Monitor Lizard is a plug-in based platform to easily orchestrate data gathering from a variety of sensors. It is intended to be easy to expand with very minimal coding experience.

Although this project uses a Raspberry Pi, this is not a requirement. Sensor data is written to an InfluxDB instance where it can be visualized using Grafana.



  • InfluxDB instance
  • Grafana


After installing InfluxDB it is suggested to create 2 different buckets, one for environmental monitoring and one for hardware information coming from the Raspberry Pi. Both the buckets and their respective access tokens can be generated directly from the InfluxDB dashboard, locally available usually at: http://localhost:8086


After installing Grafana it is possible to bootstrap an initial dashboard by importing the grafana.json file. This configuration uses 2 buckets: lizard for environmental data and hardware for hardware data. The Flux queries should be adjusted to reflect the names of your assets, but each widget can easily be edited directly within the Grafana UI.


  • Clone this repo: git clone [email protected]:RamonBeast/monitor-lizard.git
  • Move into the project directory: cd monitor-lizard
  • Create a virtual environment: virtualenv .venv then activate it . .venv/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Copy cfg/config-sample.yaml to cfg/config.yaml and adjust the configuration according to your preference


Copy cfg/config-sample.yaml to cfg/config.yaml and add your own settings (api keys and tokens) as desired. A minimal configuration would look like this:

  url: http://localhost:8086
  org: home
    lizard: AAAAAAA==
    hardware: BBBBBB==

    active: true
    bucket: lizard
    usvh-ratio: 0.00812037037037 # This value is for Geiger tube model J305
    pin: 7 # board pin where the pulse out is connected
    location: indoor
    poll-time: 60 # poll sensor every x seconds (default: 1 minute)
    measurement: environment # measurement
    asset: geiger_board

    active: true
    bucket: hardware
    poll-time: 900 # poll sensor every x seconds (default: 15 minutes)
    measurement: hardware # measurement
    asset: pihole
    location: indoor

Running Manually

After the installation monitor-lizard can be started manually, if a service is not required:

cd /path/to/monitor-lizard/
. .venv/bin/activate
python cfg/config.yaml

Daemon (systemd) configuration

Update utils/monitor-lizard.service to reflect your monitor-lizard project's path, then run the following commands to activate a service that starts automatically at boot:

cd /path/to/monitor-lizard
sudo cp utils/monitor-lizard.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable monitor-lizard.service
sudo systemctl start monitor-lizard.service

Service status can be checked with:

$ systemctl status monitor-lizard.service

● monitor-lizard.service - Monitor-Lizard service
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/monitor-lizard.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-11-15 19:10:20 CET; 3h ago
   Main PID: 753 (python)
      Tasks: 10 (limit: 4164)
        CPU: 20.119s
     CGroup: /system.slice/monitor-lizard.service
             ├─753 /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/.venv/bin/python /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/ /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/cfg/config.yaml
             ├─757 /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/.venv/bin/python /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/ /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/cfg/config.yaml
             ├─758 /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/.venv/bin/python /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/ /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/cfg/config.yaml
             ├─759 /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/.venv/bin/python /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/ /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/cfg/config.yaml
             └─760 /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/.venv/bin/python /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/ /home/<user>/monitor-lizard/cfg/config.yaml

Logs can be obtained by running:

$ journalctl -u monitor-lizard.service

Nov 15 19:10:20 <host> systemd[1]: Started Monitor-Lizard service.
Nov 15 19:10:23 <host> python[753]: Module bme280 is being activated
Nov 15 19:10:23 <host> python[753]: Module outdoor is being activated
Nov 15 19:10:23 <host> python[753]: Module geiger is being activated


At the heart of Monitor Lizard there's a simple plug-in engine that allows anyone to focus on writing the interface to their own sensors without having to invest time in handling the data layer. Every module has a simple structure that can be extended to accommodate a variety of use cases.

The modules currently avaiable are:

  • BME280 that reads data from a BME280: temperature, humidity and barometric pressure
  • BMP280 reads data from a BMP280: temperature and barometric pressure
  • Outdoor that uses OpenWeather API (free) to acquire outdoor information: temperature and humidity
  • Hardware that logs the temperature of the Raspberry Pi CPU
  • Geiger that uses the Geiger RadiationD board to calculate the level of background radiation

Modules can be enabled and disabled from the config.yaml file.

Raspberry Pi I2C

In order to use I2C based sensors, I2C must be enabled on the board. This is easily achieved by running sudo raspi-config -> Interface Options -> I2C and enabling the option.

Alternatively the I2C interface can also be enabled by running: sudo raspi-config nonint do_i2c 0 (the 0 at the end is not a mistake, it means on).

Do not forget to reboot the board afterwards: sudo reboot.

Geiger module

The Geiger module requires +5V, a GND connection and a connection to any GPIO pin (on the Geiger board the sensor output is marked as VIN, be careful not to erroneously provide voltage on this pin). By default the pin used is the number 7 on the Raspberry board, this setting can be changed in the configuration file by altering the pin parameter. The default multiplication factor to calculate uSieverts from CPM is related to the J305 tube that comes by default with this board, it can be adjusted in the config.yaml to match any other tube simply by changing the usvh-ratio parameter.

Geiger board

These are the J305 specs:

J305 specs

More details on this board can be found here.


This is a pressure, temperature and humidity sensor:


The sensor requires 4 connections:

  • 3.3V (PIN17)
  • GND (PIN14)
  • SDA (PIN3)
  • SDL (PIN5), SDL is referred to as SCL on the sensor shown in the picture above

Raspberry Pi 4 pinout

After connecting it to the board, turn it on and issue the following commands:

$ sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
$ i2cdetect -y 1

     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:                         -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- 76 --

The sensor should appear at the adderss 0x76, some batches though are set at the address 0x77, if nothing shows up, check the wiring. The sensor does not provide accurate reading on first access, so it's suggested to discard the first reading. monitor-lizard takes care of this aspect automatically.


This is a lower cost alternative to the BME280 that provides pressure and temperature readings (humidity sensor is not present). The BMP280 uses the same address as the BME280 but having both on the same board is redundant, so this shouldn't be an issue. However if both are required to operate on the same board, and if there is a conflict with I2C addresses, additional I2C ports can be created by converting GPIO pins as described in this article.

Writing additional modules

Adding new modules to monitor-lizard can be done in 3 steps:

  1. Create the sensor script in the module folder
  2. Add a related configuration section in the config.json file

Module structure

Each module requires a start() function that takes 2 parameters:

  1. a q parameter representing a Queue created by and used by the script to send sensor data
  2. a cfg parameter containing module-specific parameters from the config.json file

A minimal start() function contains sensor reading and data sending functions in an infinite loop.

def start(q, cfg):
    while True:
        # Read sensor (this is the function you will want to populate)
        data = get_data_from_sensor()
        p = {
            "measurement": cfg['measurement'],
            "tags": {
                "location": cfg['location'],
                "asset": cfg['asset']
            "fields": {
                ... your fields and data

        q.put((__name__, cfg['bucket'], p, 's'))

Modules configuration structure

A module configuration requires the following mandatory parameters:

    active: true or false
    bucket: bucket_name
    poll-time: 900 (in seconds)
    measurement: measurement_name
    location: asset_location

Any other parameter is module-specific and it will automatically be passed to the start() method after loading the configuration file.


Data can be downsampled to a low frequency bucket with a simple InfluxDB task triggered by a cron event. This is a sample script that tries to address a long-term bug in InfluxDB:

import "timezone"
import "experimental"

option task = {name: "downsample_indoor_humidity", cron: "0 0 * * *", offset: 0m}
option tz = timezone.location(name: "Europe/Amsterdam")

startoffset = 2d
tzoffset = 0h
start = experimental.subDuration(d: startoffset, from: today())
stop = experimental.subDuration(d: tzoffset, from: today())

data =
    from(bucket: "BUCKET_NAME")
        |> range(start: start, stop: stop)
        |> filter(
            fn: (r) =>
                r._measurement == "environment" and r.asset == "ASSET_NAME" and r.location == "indoor",
        |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "humidity")

    |> aggregateWindow(every: 24h, fn: max, createEmpty: false, location: tz)
    |> set(key: "_field", value: "max_value")
    |> timeShift(duration: -1d)
    |> yield(name: "max")
    |> to(bucket: "downsample-humidity", tagColumns: ["asset", "location"], org: "YOUR-ORG")

    |> aggregateWindow(every: 24h, fn: min, createEmpty: false, location: tz)
    |> set(key: "_field", value: "min_value")
    |> timeShift(duration: -1d)
    |> yield(name: "min")
    |> to(bucket: "downsample-humidity", tagColumns: ["asset", "location"], org: "YOUR-ORG")

    |> aggregateWindow(every: 24h, fn: mean, createEmpty: false, location: tz)
    |> set(key: "_field", value: "mean_value")
    |> timeShift(duration: -1d)
    |> yield(name: "mean")
    |> to(bucket: "downsample-humidity", tagColumns: ["asset", "location"], org: "YOUR-ORG")

Unfortunately this "workaround" doesn't always work and InfluxDB will keep running the cron task twice, once at UTC midnight and a second time at midnight UTC + local_timezone. This is far from ideal but this issue seems to be around since 2020 and it's not being addressed. To consolidate data there's a script: utils/ that takes care of removing the redundant datapoints from all buckets at midnight UTC + local_timezone. This script should be run as cron job:

  • Edit utils/ to add your low-frequency buckets and your token
  • crontab -e
  • Add 15 05 * * * python3 /path/to/monitor-lizard/utils/ 1 (runs every day at 5:15 AM and it cleans up the previous day)

If you need to clean-up more data point just run the script with python3 utils/ <number of days to clean up>.


Gather data from a variety of sensors and send it to a timeseries database for analysis







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