This tool lets you download ebooks and videos from even if you don't have a full paid subscription.
- Docker
- Yeh That's all you need 😂
- Get a trial account at
- It requires a simple visa or a mastercard, and 1 USD will be charged and refunded in a day.
- Clone this repo locally.
- Create a .env file which contains the following variables.
- user
- pass
- bookid
- TOKEN (optional)
A sample env file looks like
[email protected]
TOKEN="Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQ..
- bookid can be found from the URL such as :
- Run docker-compose build
- Run docker-compose up
- Now sit back a grab a cup of Chai ☕
- Java 11
- Intellij IDEA (or any idea with awesome Kotlin Support)
- Webstorm (or any idea with awesome Nodejs support)
- Nodejs
- Docker
- Jetbrains Exposed for easily handling sql Queries
- Sqlite an embedded db
- Ktor-client for making network requests
- Gson for Json parsing
- Nodejs
- epub-gen
- Express