I created Spectrograms for each of a handful of wav files. Played around with different color palettes, and used that spectrogram as the background/sky when looking out of a window.
- The Code can be found here
Link to all of my Genuary2021 Creations.
Run this Jupyter Notebook Spectrogram.ipynb
. I use scipy for this, so you will need to pip install that.
Find the full repo the *.py files are needed for the Notebook to run.
For most of these, I am using the Processing
Framework. Since I mostly code in Python, I use the Python extension of Processing, which is not as popular as its Java version. Also, I sometimes create small resuable code segments which I use in multiple projects. I'm sharing all my genart code, in case others find it useful.
Link to all of my Genuary2021 Creations.