Use Alfred Jensen's 'Mayan Square' to decide colors for a 11x11 grid. Drawn over a force field.
- The Code can be found here
I followed the rules of a "Mayan Color Square" laid out by Alfred Jensen. (Also, see References below)
- Needed 21 different colors. I decided to use 2 palettes of 10 colors each. 10 Hot colors and 10 cold colors.
is what you have to run to recreate these images.
Run this from inside the Processing IDE, since it uses Processing.
For most of these, I am using the Processing
Framework. Since I mostly code in Python, I use the Python extension of Processing, which is not as popular as its Java version. Also, I sometimes create small resuable code segments which I use in multiple projects. I'm sharing all my genart code, in case others find it useful.