📺 The Python Script For Grabb PlayLists and Play it , This Works Only on Any Terminal & Termux Through Python
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Put Your Own ID & PASS In This Script
- HQ Streaming Free of Cost
- Will Works In 144p, 240p, 360p, 480p, 1080p in this Gives Qualities
- Direct Web Play Not Supports
- TiviMate , IPTV Smarter Pro or PC Users can Also Use This
• First Download Termux
From Playstore
[+] - https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/fredrik-fornwall/termux/termux-0-95-release/termux-0-95-android-apk-download/download/?forcebaseapk
• Then Run This Commands one by one
in Termux
[1] - pkg update && upgrade
[2] - termux-setup-storage
[3] - pkg install git python python2 -y
[4] - pip install requests
[5] - git clone https://github.com/techiesneh/Sneh-TataSky-Termux.git
[6] - cp -r Sneh-TataSky-Termux storage/dcim
[7] - cd storage/dcim/Sneh-TataSky-Termux
[8] - cd Sneh-TataSky
[9] - python main.py
• Click 1 : Put Your Mobile No. , Subscriber ID or Password
for first time .
• Click 2 : Put Your Mobile No. , Subscriber ID or OTP
for first time .
After Doing Any of Above 1 or 2
.Then Click 3 .
• Click 3 : Generate PlayLists Every 24hrs .
• You Get Your PlayLists under DCIM/Sneh-TataSky-Termux/Sneh-TataSky
Folder of Internal Storage .
• Just Import m3u PlayLists in Tivimate or IPTV Smarter Pro & Enjoy .
• Click On Channel and Play
- You can simply use the android app in your mobile phone or TV, login and then generate an m3u
- The app can be found here
- Note that you have to generate a new playlist before the exploit time, that is mentioned in the app, or just one day for simplicity
- The app can smartly detect if you have a playlist already in the mentioned directory,(the location of the file can be found inside the app), and it overwrites the content if you generate it again and again
- You can point Tivimate to the location mentioned in the app, and just update once whenever you want to watch the playlist, should work fine
- There may be issues navigating through the textfields in TV, Try with the left key to navigate down, works for me, will fix, when I have time
- Minimum Supported Version : Android 5.0
- You must have basic knowledge of how to run scripts using python
- You CANNOT have the channels, which you have not subscribed in the generated playlist
- The generated m3u file has to be updated daily. If you generated it at 11:00pm today it will expire by 11:00pm tomorrow. You don't need to relogin, just generate the playlist again using command number 3 in the script.
- You can use Kodi with the PVR Simple IPTV Plugin [doesn't work yet]. The generated m3u file already is in the standard format that can be read by the plugin (WIP)
- You can use Tivimate app to play the m3u playlist too
- You can use Kodi to play the m3u file(WIP)
- You can play individual channel using Exostreamer
See the below section on
Getting hold of individual channels
to know how to get the link to play a specific channel as you cannot play the entire playlist - Paste the channel url first and then click on the DRM button to enter the license url and then click on play
- I personally use Native MPEG-Dash + HLS Playback which doesn't suppport playlists yet
See the below section on Getting hold of individual channels
to know how to get the link to play a specific channel as you cannot play the entire playlist
- Get the channel url (ends with
) and paste it in the browser - The extension automatically asks for the license url. You should then input the license url.
- This is Just For Educational Purpose
- DO NOT Sell this Script, This is 💯% Free
• For any Help Techie Sneh
• Or Contact at [email protected]