Simple software to control a 3D printer controlled with Klipper software.
I am using an "Ender3 PRO" 3D printer controlled from a Raspberry PI2 via Klipper software (see PI2 is not powerful enough to handle octoprint well in the printer room and I don't have access to a computer so editing the klipper.cfg configuration file is problematic.
I decided to write my own software to control the printer. This software is divided into 2 parts:
- A server written in C that runs on a raspberry PI2 (RPC).
- Software written in flutter for an Android/iOS cell phone to control the 3D printer.
- Upload files from internal/external cell phone storage to Raspberry PI (virtual SD card directory)
- Edit the Klipper configuration file on cell phone
- View klipper log file
- Start 3D print from the Klipper virtual SD card
- Control temperature and motor movement with a cell phone
- Monitor print progress and head/bed temperatures
- install git and gcc compiler on pi (sudo apt install git gcc)
- log in to PI (ssh)
- git clone
- cd KlipperController/print-server-c
- make
- sudo make install
- edit configuration file in /etc/default/print-server
sudo systemctl stop print-server
sudo mcedit /etc/default/print-server
change paths:
UPLOAD_DIR= - type path to virtual SD card (as configured in klipper.cfg)
KLIPPER_CFG= - type path to klipper config file
KLIPPER_LOG= - type path to klipper log file
save (F2) and exit (F10)
sudo systemctl start print-server
NOTE: I assume that Klipper is run by a user named "pi". If not, modify the user/group name in systemd service file /etc/systemd/system/print-server.service
- install flutter - follow instrictions from
- git clone
- cd myocto
- flutter pub get
- flutter build apk --split-per-abi
Enjoy :-)