The project is set up to run with Python 3.12
To avoid conflicts between our Python version and your current version, we set up and use a conda environment:
- You will need to install Anaconda from: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/
- Create a conda environment with Python 3.12 from:
conda create --name comp472 python=3.12
- Activate comp472 from:
conda activate comp472
- Make sure that the Python version within your environment is 3.12 from:
python -V
- All pretrained models are stored in the "Models" folder on OneDrive: Models Folder[https://liveconcordia-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/personal/yih_l_live_concordia_ca/Documents/COMP472%20Project/Models?csf=1&web=1&e=h4Avcb].
- Download and unzip the "Models" folder
- Open the "Models" folder. Inside, you will find another "Models" folder
- Move the inner "Models" folder to the same directory as the Final Submission.ipynb file. The path to a model should then look like ./Models/{pretrained_model}
- Go the the repo directory
- Open Final Submission.ipynb in jupyter notebook
- Since some code blocks are interdependent, we recommend running them in order to avoid errors. Alternatively, you can select "Run All" to execute all blocks.
- Select the kernel "Python 3 (ipykernel)" as comp472 (the name of your virtual environment)