A TSLint config with sensible rules for 0x protocol, Airbnb, Prettier, and more.
Install via npm
npm install @radar/tslint-config --save-dev
Ensure you also have the required peerDependencies
npm install tslint@^5.11.0 typescript@^3.0.3 prettier@^1.14.0 --save-dev
By default, only airbnb
and prettier
configurations are included. Each configuration is available as a separate file so you can mix in just what you need!
In tslint.json
"extends": "@radar/tslint-config"
"extends": [
"@radar/tslint-config/prettier", // NOTE: Prettier should always be the last in the list.
+————— Major version is synchronized with TSLint's major version.
| +——— Minor version has BREAKING CHANGES or features.
| | +— Patch version has non-breaking changes.
| | |