Website for rare diseases related publication analysis on Pubmed database
- Node.js
- W3.css
First of all, you have to update node modules via Node command prompt:
npm update
Once done, use this command each time you want to start the web server:
node app.js
Use CTRL + C
On your browser: http://localhost:8080/
The local module NCBIAPIModule (/local_node_modules/controller/NCBIAPIModule.js) use Pubmed to retrieve full articles. And the local module UpdateModule (/local_node_modules/controller/UpdateModule.js) is responsible for updating the data base.
Yes, you have to create a data base to test the search engine. She's needed to stock number of publications per year, rare disease informations, ...
To do this, use any sofware to manage a MySQL data base. (EasyPHP for example)
Create a data base which respect this information:
host : 'localhost',
user : 'root',
password : '',
database : 'RDSearchDB',
Once done, run the SQL script "rdsearchdb.sql" provided in the repository in your MySQL data base manager