This working group’s mission is to support multilingual documentation in R.
- Add support in R for multilingual documentation (in progress):
- Create tooling for translating documentation:
- Extract and format documentation from another package.
- Create translation module from translated documentation.
- Keep translations up-to-date.
- Transform between formats accepted by existing translation services.
- Create teaching materials for these tools.
- Tutorials.
- Blog articles.
- Organise and guide community efforts for documentation translation.
- Paola Corrales
- Elio Campitelli: WG Lead
- Gergely Daroczi
- Michael Chirico
- Yani Bellini Saibene: Create teaching materials for these tools. Integrate this solution to the one used and developed by rOpenSci and R-Ladies.
- Christophe Regouby
To contribute to this working group, please open a PR to add you name on the list.
This repository for meeting notes, materials and issues
Slack channel for informal and quick communication: #wg-multilingual-r-documentation in the R Consortium Slack
Mailing list for formal announcements