Crypto Tracker is a telegram bot that offers many features to enable users to better monitor cryptocurrencies. We were inspired to build Crypto Tracker after noticing the lack of a similar program on Telegram, despite the prevalence of Bitcoin ownership or the popularity of Telegram as a messaging platform.
Our telegram bot allows the user to
- Get trading data for a specific cryptocurrency using /get
- Display the 10 largest cryptocurrencies by market capitalization using /top
- Set an alert that triggers when a cryptocurrency crosses a certain price using /alert
- Plot a graph of cryptocurrency closing prices in the past 10 days, hours or minutes using /graph
- Display the list of available commands and how to format them using /help
Crypto Tracker is written in Python and makes use of various Python packages such as matplotlib, telegram and requests. Our bot works by sending HTTP requests to the API provided by
To use our telegram bot, simply search up @dingdong_cryptobot on telegram and either message it or add it to your group chats.