Repo to support evaluations using arnold evaluation kit
- The Salinas evaluation board,, is the physical hardware that the arnold-sdk uses
- The Olimex ARM-USB-TINY JTAG adaptor is required to program and debug the arnold device
There are several steps to a complete installation:
- command to clone the arnold-sdk repository, then install various other elements
- install.bash script
- python -- the install process requires both python2 and python3 to be present before the install starts
- generic tools -- the install requires various tools and packages -- these are always installed
- riscv-toolchain -- the RI5CY core requires a specific gcc toolchain -- since this takes a long time to generate, it is not installed by default. If you have not previously installed this toolchain, you will want to specify the ++rscv-toolchain option to the insyall script.
- pulp-builder -- installs and configures the pulp build system -- this is installed by default. You can disable installation by specifying --pulp-builder to the install script.
- tensorflow -- installs tensorflow as a submodule -- this is installed by default. It is quite time-consuming so if you are not using tensorflow you can disable installation by specifying --tensorflow to the install script.
- install Olimex -- refer to Olimex documentation
- script to setup environment
- make application
If the RI5CY toolchain is not installed use:
git clone
cd arnold-sdk
bash install.bash ++riscv-toolchain # check that you see "Arnold install completed successfully" -- details may be found in file 'install.log'
source setup-pulp.bash # setup environment to run pulp build system
cd tflu-apps/person-detection
If the RI5CY toolchain is already installed use:
git clone
cd arnold-sdk
bash install.bash # check that you see "Arnold install completed successfully" -- details may be found in file 'install.log'
source setup-pulp.bash # setup environment to run pulp build system
cd tflu-apps/person-detection
Various environment variables must be present for the pulp tools to operate correctly. Thes are set by sourcing setup-pulp.bash:
source setup-pulp.bash
The arnold-sdk has two tflu-apps. A good way to check your setup is by running them.
cd tflu-apps/person-detection
This will download some more files, generate the person_detection_test project, make the person_detection_test binary and download it. If all goes well, you will see a message that says: "Waiting for notification from boot code". This means that arnold is waiting for a reset pulse, so push the reset switch towards the top of the Salinas board, and then set it to the middle position. You should see:
Received for notification from boot code
Stopped core
Loading binaries
Starting execution
Ran successfully
1/1 tests passed
Detected end of application, exiting with status: 0
cd tflu-apps/hw_standalone
make all run
This will compile some files and download the resulting binary. If all goes well, you will see a message that says: "Waiting for notification from boot code". This means that arnold is waiting for a reset pulse, so push the reset switch towards the top of the Salinas board, and then set it to the middle position. You should see:
Received for notification from boot code
Stopped core
Loading binaries
Starting execution
***Test data from data9.h
****All data passed!
Detected end of application, exiting with status: 0