Learning IBM Quantum Experience, Max, The QAC Toolkit, and more.
Before starting, make sure you have Max installed, as well as The QAC toolkit Max package. You will also need an account with IBM Quantum Experience.
Clone this repo or download the release zip. (Note: if you use the Download zip function in github's green button at the top, it will not include the UDP_Qasm submodule, and you'll have to manually download it yourself)
You're now ready to explore Intro to Quantum Computer Music!
Part 1 and 2 were presented at 1st ISQCMC, and you can watch the recordings here.
Please open a new issue.
Also, please consider learning more about Max here and Qiskit here.
Thank you for taking the time to interact with this tutorial. And you are welcome to suggest contributions.
This repo was created by Omar Costa Hamido as part of the QuTune Project.