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colorschemes and fonts fix
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Adrian Ariton committed Sep 12, 2023
1 parent 3482c27 commit 0a41cc0
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Showing 3 changed files with 59 additions and 34 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions examples/fullstack/src/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
name = "Sim"
uuid = "cdbff8c8-b4ef-4e3e-b79a-9961bc3bcce5"
authors = ["adrianariton <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.1.0"

CSSMakieLayout = "5954c95d-ff03-4a38-b8f4-a6ed1c4752b2"
ConcurrentSim = "6ed1e86c-fcaf-46a9-97e0-2b26a2cdb499"
Crayons = "a8cc5b0e-0ffa-5ad4-8c14-923d3ee1735f"
GLMakie = "e9467ef8-e4e7-5192-8a1a-b1aee30e663a"
Graphs = "86223c79-3864-5bf0-83f7-82e725a168b6"
JSServe = "824d6782-a2ef-11e9-3a09-e5662e0c26f9"
QuantumSavory = "2de2e421-972c-4cb5-a0c3-999c85908079"
ResumableFunctions = "c5292f4c-5179-55e1-98c5-05642aab7184"
Revise = "295af30f-e4ad-537b-8983-00126c2a3abe"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
SumTypes = "8e1ec7a9-0e02-4297-b0fe-6433085c89f2"
WGLMakie = "276b4fcb-3e11-5398-bf8b-a0c2d153d008"

WGLMakie = "0.8.10"
67 changes: 36 additions & 31 deletions examples/fullstack/src/Sim.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ retina_scale = 2
config = Dict(
:resolution => (retina_scale*1400, retina_scale*700), #used for the main figures
:smallresolution => (280, 160), #used for the menufigures
:colorscheme => ["rgb(242, 242, 247)", "black", "#000529", "white"]
:colorscheme => ["rgb(11, 42, 64)", "white", "#1f77b4", "white"]
# :colorscheme => ["rgb(242, 242, 247)", "black", "#000529", "white"]
# another color scheme: :colorscheme => ["rgb(242, 242, 247)", "black", "rgb(242, 242, 247)", "black"]

Expand All @@ -39,12 +40,12 @@ function layout_content(DOM, mainfigures
class="justify-center align-center "
for i in 1:3]; class="menufigs", style=menufigs_style)
for i in 1:length(mainfigures)]; class="menufigs", style=menufigs_style)

unactive = [wrap(mainfigures[i]) for i in 2:length(mainfigures)]
activefig = zstack(
style="width: $(config[:resolution][1]/retina_scale)px")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,16 +197,15 @@ function plot_alphafig(F, meta="",mfig=nothing, extrafig=nothing; hidedecor=fals
if length(p[:fids][]) > 0
hist!(textax, p[:fids][], direction=:x, color=:blue)
hist!(textax, p[:fids][], direction=:x, color=1, colormap=:tab10, colorrange = (1, 10))
push!(coordsx, t)
push!(maxcoordsy, maximum(p[:fids][]))
stairs!(fidax, coordsx, maxcoordsy, color=(emitonpurifsuccess ? :blue : :green), linewidth=3)
stairs!(fidax, coordsx, maxcoordsy, color=1, linewidth=3, colormap=:tab10, colorrange = (1, 10))
return running

function plot_betafig(F, meta="",mfig=nothing; hidedecor=false, observables=nothing)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,28 +250,24 @@ function plot_betafig(F, meta="",mfig=nothing; hidedecor=false, observables=noth
for axis in axes
lines!(axis, range, 1/0.4 * exp.(-(collect(range) ./ 0.4)), color=:blue)
hist!(axis, obs_sampledenttimes, color=:blue)
lines!(axis, range, 1/0.4 * exp.(-(collect(range) ./ 0.4)))
hist!(axis, obs_sampledenttimes)


function plot_gammafig(F, meta="",mfig=nothing; hidedecor=false, observables=nothing)


# The plot function is used to prepare the receipe (plots) for
# the mainfigures which get toggled by the identical figures in
# the menu (the menufigures), as well as for the menufigures themselves

function plot(figure_array, menufigs=[], metas=["", "", ""]; hidedecor=false, observables=nothing)
plot_alphafig(figure_array[2], metas[2], menufigs[2], figure_array[1]; hidedecor=hidedecor, observables=observables)
plot_betafig(figure_array[1], metas[1], menufigs[1]; observables=observables)
plot_alphafig(figure_array[2], metas[2], menufigs[2], figure_array[1]; hidedecor=hidedecor, observables=observables)

###################### LANDING PAGE OF THE APP ######################

landing = App() do session::Session
figurescount = 2
running = Observable(false)
obs_PURIFICATION = Observable(true)
obs_time = Observable(20.3)
Expand All @@ -281,23 +277,23 @@ landing = App() do session::Session
obs_initial_prob = Observable(0.7)
obs_USE = Observable(3)
obs_emitonpurifsuccess = Observable(0)
logstring = Observable("")
logstring = Observable("--")
showlog = Observable(false)
obs_sampledenttimes = Observable([-1.0])
allobs = [running, obs_PURIFICATION, obs_time, obs_commtime,
obs_registersizes, obs_node_timedelay, obs_initial_prob,
obs_USE, obs_emitonpurifsuccess, logstring, showlog, obs_sampledenttimes]
# Create the menufigures and the mainfigures
mainfigures = [Figure(backgroundcolor=:white, resolution=config[:resolution]) for _ in 1:3]
menufigures = [Figure(backgroundcolor=:white, resolution=config[:smallresolution]) for i in 1:3]
mainfigures = [Figure(backgroundcolor=:white, resolution=config[:resolution]) for _ in 1:figurescount]
menufigures = [Figure(backgroundcolor=:white, resolution=config[:smallresolution]) for i in 1:figurescount]
titles= ["Entanglement Generation",
"Entanglement Swapping",
"Entanglement Purification"]
"Entanglement Purification",
activeidx = Observable(1)
hoveredidx = Observable(0)

for i in 1:3
for i in 1:figurescount
on(events(menufigures[i]).mousebutton) do event
Expand All @@ -315,14 +311,14 @@ landing = App() do session::Session
titles_zstack = [zstack(wrap(DOM.h4(titles[i], class="upper")),
activeidx=@lift(($hoveredidx == i || $activeidx == i)),
anim=[:opacity], style="""color: $(config[:colorscheme][2]);""") for i in 1:3]
anim=[:opacity], style="""color: $(config[:colorscheme][2]);""") for i in 1:figurescount]

# Obtain reactive layout of the figures
layout, content = layout_content(DOM, mainfigures, menufigures, titles_zstack, activeidx)
# Add the logs + editlog option (clicking on a line and seeing only the log lines connecting to and from it)
editlog = Observable(false)
editlogbtn = DOM.div(modifier("", parameter=editlog, class="nostyle"), class="backbutton",
style=@lift(($editlog ? "border: 2px solid #d62828 !important;" : "border: 2px solid #003049;")))
style=@lift(($editlog==true ? "border: 2px solid #d62828 !important;" : "border: 2px solid rgb(11, 42, 64);")))
logs = [hstack(editlogbtn, vstack("Log...", @lift($showlog ? "[Enabled]" : "[Disabled]"), tie(logstring), class="log_wrapper"))]
about_sections = [hstack(
DOM.span(@lift($obs_USE==2 ? "Single Selection" : "Double Selection")),
Expand All @@ -335,14 +331,19 @@ landing = App() do session::Session
# Info about the log: enabled/disabled
loginfo = DOM.h4(@lift($showlog ? "Log Enabled" : "Log Disabled"); style="color: white;")
# Add title to the right in the form of a ZStack
titles_div = [vstack(hstack(DOM.h1(titles[i]), btns), about_sections[1], loginfo,
logs[1]) for i in 1:3]
titles_div = [vstack(hstack(DOM.h1(titles[i]), btns)) for i in 1:figurescount]
titles_div[1] = active(titles_div[1])
(titles_div[i] = wrap(titles_div[i]) for i in 2:3)
titles_div = zstack(titles_div; activeidx=activeidx, anim=[:static]
, style="""color: $(config[:colorscheme][4]);""") # static = no animation
(titles_div[i] = wrap(titles_div[i]) for i in 2:figurescount)
titles_div = wrap(zstack(titles_div; activeidx=activeidx, anim=[:static]
, style="""color: $(config[:colorscheme][4]);"""),
about_sections[1], loginfo,
zstack(active(logs[1]), wrap(logs[1]), activeidx=activeidx, anim=[:static])
) # static = no animation

style ="""
body {
font-family: Arial;
background-color: rgba(38, 39, 41, 0.6);
cursor: pointer;
Expand All @@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ landing = App() do session::Session
border-left: 2px solid rgb(38, 39, 41);
border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(38, 39, 41);
min-height: 40px !important;
background-color: #003049;
background-color: rgb(11, 42, 64);
overflow: auto;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,7 +432,6 @@ landing = App() do session::Session
DOM.div(@lift($editlog==false ? "Click on ✎ to select lines from log." : "Click on a line from the log to see all events related to it or, click on ✎ to show the full log again.")),

return hstack(vstack(layout, infodiv), vstack(titles_div; style="padding: 20px; margin-left: 10px;
background-color: $(config[:colorscheme][3]);"), style; style="width: 100%;")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -500,14 +500,19 @@ nav = App() do
Their performance is different, Double Selection resulting in a higher fidelity than Single Selection.
One can view their performance in the following plot, which plots **final vs initial fidelity (blue)** and **success rate vs initial fidelity (yellow)**:
(first column - variants of single selection, colums 2 to 4 - variants of double selection)
return hstack(
wrap(text; style="width:50vw;"), vstack(DOM.h2("Entanglement process flow"), img1, DOM.h2("Purifier process flow"), img2; style="width:50vw;", class="align-center justify-center"), CSSMakieLayout.formatstyle
wrap(text; style="width:50vw;"), vstack(DOM.h2("Entanglement process flow"), img1, DOM.h2("Purifier process flow"), img2; style="width:50vw;", class="align-center justify-center"), CSSMakieLayout.formatstyle,"""
body {
font-family: Arial;

Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions examples/fullstack/src/setup.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ function slog!(s, msg, id)
involvedpairs = id
involvedpairs = "node"*replace(replace(involvedpairs, ":"=>"slot"), " "=>" node")
style = isdestroyed=="destroyed" ? "border-bottom: 2px solid red;" : ""
signaturestr = """<span style='color:#003049; background-color:#f77f00; border-radius: 15px;'>$(signaturespl[1])</span>
&nbsp;<span style='color:#d62828;'>@$(signaturespl[2]) &nbsp; | </span>"""
signaturestr = """<span style='color:#2ca02c; border-radius: 15px;'>$(signaturespl[1])s</span>
&nbsp;<span style='color:#1f77b4;'>@$(signaturespl[2]) &nbsp; | </span>"""
s[] = s[] * """<div class='console_line new $involvedpairs' style='$style'><span>$signaturestr</span><span>$message</span></div>"""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ end
entangletime = rand(entangletimedist)
@yield timeout(sim, entangletime)
(sampledentangledtimes[1] != false) && (push!(sampledentangledtimes[1][], entangletime))
initialize!((network[node][i], network[remotenode][remote_i]),noisy_pair; time=now(sim))
slog!(logfile, "$(now(sim)) :: $node > Success! $node:$i and $remotenode:$remote_i are now entangled.", "$node:$i $remotenode:$remote_i")
Expand Down

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