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Shayan-P committed Sep 3, 2023
2 parents 5a5c4c9 + e4a61d3 commit 9bbf893
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Showing 12 changed files with 212 additions and 16 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,15 @@

- `permute` will be a wrapper around to `QuantumInterface.permutesubsystems`. Documentation for `permute!` would be similarly updated
- reworking the rest of `NoisyCircuits` and moving it out of `Experimental`
- `random_pauli(...; realphase=true)` should be the default

# News

## v0.8.16 - 2023-08-31

- **(breaking)** Changes to the circuit generation in the non-public ECC module. Adding a Shor syndrome measurement circuit.
- Added a `ClassicalXOR` gate, for now supporting only `PauliFrame`s.

## v0.8.15 - 2023-08-16

- Initial support for GPU accelerated circuit simulation (with CUDA).
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Makie = "0.19.7"
Nemo = "0.34, 0.35"
Plots = "1.38.0"
PrecompileTools = "1"
Quantikz = "1.3"
Quantikz = "1.3.1"
QuantumInterface = "0.3.0"
QuantumOpticsBase = "0.4"
SIMD = "3.4.0"
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions ext/QuantumCliffordGPUExt/apply_noise.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,16 +18,17 @@ end

function applynoise_kernel(xzs::DeviceMatrix{Tme},
ibig::Int, # todo why is this Int and others Tme?
ismallm::Tme, # why is rows Unsigned sometimes and sometimes Int?
rows::Unsigned) where {Tme <: Unsigned}

f = (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x;
if f > rows
return nothing

r = rand() # todo add type to it? is it uniform?

r = rand()
if r < p # X error
xzs[ibig,f] ⊻= ismallm
elseif r < 2p # Z error
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ function Quantikz.QuantikzOp(op::Reset) # TODO This is complicated because quant
Quantikz.QuantikzOp(op::NoiseOp) = Quantikz.Noise(op.indices)
Quantikz.QuantikzOp(op::NoiseOpAll) = Quantikz.NoiseAll()
Quantikz.QuantikzOp(op::ClassicalXOR) = Quantikz.ClassicalDecision(sort([, op.bits...]))

function lstring(pauli::PauliOperator)
v = join(("\\mathtt{$(o)}" for o in replace(string(pauli)[3:end],"_"=>"I")),"\\\\")
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/QuantumClifford.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export
# Misc Ops
sMX, sMY, sMZ, PauliMeasurement, Reset, sMRX, sMRY, sMRZ,
BellMeasurement, ClassicalXOR,
# Enumeration and Randoms
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115 changes: 109 additions & 6 deletions src/ecc/ECC.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,15 +44,26 @@ end
"""Generate the non-fault-tolerant stabilizer measurement cicuit for a given code instance or parity check tableau.
Use the `ancillary_index` and `bit_index` arguments to offset where the corresponding part the circuit starts.
Returns the circuit, the number of ancillary qubits that were added, and a list of bit indices that will store the measurement results.
See also: [`shor_syndrome_circuit`](@ref)
function naive_syndrome_circuit end

function naive_syndrome_circuit(code_type::AbstractECC, ancillary_index=1, bit_index=1)
naive_syndrome_circuit(parity_checks(code_type), ancillary_index, bit_index)

"""Circuit that measures the corresponding PauliOperator by using conditional gates into an ancillary
qubit at index `nqubits(p)+ancillary_index` and stores the measurement result into classical bit `bit_index`."""
"""Naive Pauli measurement circuit using a single ancillary qubit.
Not a fault-tolerant circuit, but useful for testing purposes.
Measures the corresponding `PauliOperator` by using conditional gates into an ancillary
qubit at index `nqubits(p)+ancillary_index` and stores the measurement result
into classical bit `bit_index`.
See also: [`naive_syndrome_circuit`](@ref), [`shor_ancillary_paulimeasurement`](@ref)"""
function naive_ancillary_paulimeasurement(p::PauliOperator, ancillary_index=1, bit_index=1)
circuit = AbstractOperation[]
numQubits = nqubits(p)
Expand All @@ -73,14 +84,106 @@ end

function naive_syndrome_circuit(parity_check_tableau, ancillary_index=1, bit_index=1)
naive_sc = AbstractOperation[]
ancillaries = 0
bits = 0
for check in parity_check_tableau
append!(naive_sc,naive_ancillary_paulimeasurement(check, ancillary_index+ancillaries, bit_index+bits))
ancillaries +=1
bits +=1

return naive_sc, ancillaries, bit_index:bit_index+bits-1

"""Generate the Shor fault-tolerant stabilizer measurement cicuit for a given code instance or parity check tableau.
Use the `ancillary_index` and `bit_index` arguments to offset where the corresponding part the circuit starts.
Ancillary qubits
- The cat state preparation circuit.
- The Shor syndrome measurement circuit.
- The number of ancillary qubits that were added.
- The list of bit indices that store the final measurement results.
See also: [`naive_syndrome_circuit`](@ref)
function shor_syndrome_circuit end

function shor_syndrome_circuit(code_type::AbstractECC, ancillary_index=1, bit_index=1)
shor_syndrome_circuit(parity_checks(code_type), ancillary_index, bit_index)

"""Shor's Pauli measurement circuit using a multiple entangled ancillary qubits.
A fault-tolerant circuit.
Measures the corresponding PauliOperator by using conditional gates into multiple ancillary
entangled qubits starting at index `nqubits(p)+ancillary_index`
and stores the measurement result into classical bits starting at `bit_index`.
The final measurement result is the XOR of all the bits.
- The cat state preparation circuit.
- The Shor syndrome measurement circuit.
- One more than the index of the last added ancillary qubit.
- One more than the index of the last added classical bit.
See also: [`naive_syndrome_circuit`](@ref), [`naive_ancillary_paulimeasurement`](@ref)"""
function shor_ancillary_paulimeasurement(p::PauliOperator, ancillary_index=1, bit_index=1)
init_ancil_index = ancillary_index
circuit = AbstractOperation[]
measurements = AbstractOperation[]
numQubits = nqubits(p)
for qubit in 1:numQubits
if p[qubit] == (1,0)
push!(circuit, sXCZ(qubit, numQubits + ancillary_index))
elseif p[qubit] == (0,1)
push!(circuit, sZCZ(qubit, numQubits + ancillary_index))
elseif p[qubit] == (1,1)
push!(circuit, sYCZ(qubit, numQubits + ancillary_index))
if p[qubit] != (0,0)
push!(measurements, sMRX(numQubits + ancillary_index, bit_index))
ancillary_index +=1
bit_index +=1
circuit = vcat(circuit,measurements)

cat_state_circuit = AbstractOperation[]
push!(cat_state_circuit, sHadamard(numQubits + init_ancil_index))
for i in (init_ancil_index+1):(ancillary_index -1)
push!(cat_state_circuit, sCNOT(numQubits + (i - 1), numQubits + i))

return cat_state_circuit, circuit, ancillary_index, bit_index

function shor_syndrome_circuit(parity_check_tableau, ancillary_index=1, bit_index=1)
shor_sc = AbstractOperation[]
xor_indices = []
cat_circuit = AbstractOperation[]
initial_ancillary_index = ancillary_index

for check in parity_check_tableau
naive_sc = append!(naive_sc,naive_ancillary_paulimeasurement(check, ancillary_index, bit_index))
ancillary_index +=1
bit_index +=1
cat_circ, circ, new_ancillary_index, new_bit_index = shor_ancillary_paulimeasurement(check, ancillary_index, bit_index)
push!(xor_indices, collect(bit_index:new_bit_index-1))

append!(shor_sc, circ)
append!(cat_circuit, cat_circ)

ancillary_index = new_ancillary_index
bit_index = new_bit_index

final_bits = 0
for indices in xor_indices
push!(shor_sc, QuantumClifford.ClassicalXOR(indices, bit_index+final_bits))
final_bits += 1

return naive_sc
return cat_circuit, shor_sc, ancillary_index-initial_ancillary_index, bit_index:bit_index+final_bits-1

"""The distance of a code."""
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/misc_ops.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,3 +126,12 @@ function applywstatus!(s::AbstractQCState, v::VerifyOp) # XXX It assumes the oth

operatordeterminism(::Type{VerifyOp}) = DeterministicOperatorTrait()

"""Applies an XOR gate to classical bits. Currently only implemented for funcitonality with pauli frames."""
struct ClassicalXOR{N} <: AbstractOperation
"The indices of the classical bits to be xor-ed"
"The index of the classical bit that will store the results"
ClassicalXOR(bits::Vector, store::Int) = ClassicalXOR(tuple(bits...),store)
25 changes: 23 additions & 2 deletions src/pauli_frames.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,28 @@ function apply!(f::PauliFrame, op::AbstractCliffordOperator)
return f

function apply!(frame::PauliFrame, op::sMZ) # TODO sMX, sMY
function apply!(frame::PauliFrame, xor::ClassicalXOR)
for f in eachindex(frame)
value = frame.measurements[f,xor.bits[1]]
for i in xor.bits[2:end]
value ⊻= frame.measurements[f,i]
frame.measurements[f,] = value

function apply!(frame::PauliFrame, op::sMX) # TODO implement a faster direct version
op.bit == 0 && return frame
apply!(frame, sHadamard(op.qubit))
apply!(frame, sMZ(op.qubit, op.bit))

function apply!(frame::PauliFrame, op::sMRX) # TODO implement a faster direct version
apply!(frame, sHadamard(op.qubit))
apply!(frame, sMRZ(op.qubit, op.bit))

function apply!(frame::PauliFrame, op::sMZ) # TODO sMY, and faster sMX
op.bit == 0 && return frame
i = op.qubit
xzs =
Expand All @@ -75,7 +96,7 @@ function apply!(frame::PauliFrame, op::sMZ) # TODO sMX, sMY
return frame

function apply!(frame::PauliFrame, op::sMRZ) # TODO sMRX, sMRY
function apply!(frame::PauliFrame, op::sMRZ) # TODO sMRY, and faster sMRX
i = op.qubit
xzs =
T = eltype(xzs)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ end
@doset "enumerate"
@doset "quantumoptics"
@doset "ecc"
@doset "ecc_syndromes"
@doset "precompile"
@doset "pauliframe"
@doset "allocations"
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/test_ecc.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ function test_naive_syndrome(c::AbstractECC)
s1 = copy(logicalqubits)
syndrome1 = [project!(s1, check)[3] for check in parity_checks(c)]
# measure using `naive_syndrome_circuit`
naive_circuit = naive_syndrome_circuit(c)
naive_circuit, _ = naive_syndrome_circuit(c)
ancillaryqubits = one(Stabilizer,code_s(c))
s2 = copy(logicalqubits)
syndrome2 = Register(s2ancillaryqubits, falses(code_s(c)))
Expand All @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ end

function test_with_pframes(code)
ecirc = encoding_circuit(code)
scirc = naive_syndrome_circuit(code)
scirc, _ = naive_syndrome_circuit(code)
nframes = 10
dataqubits = code_n(code)
ancqubits = code_s(code)
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54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions test/test_ecc_syndromes.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
using Test
using QuantumClifford
using QuantumClifford: mul_left!
using QuantumClifford.ECC: AbstractECC, Steane7, Shor9, Bitflip3, naive_syndrome_circuit, encoding_circuit, shor_syndrome_circuit, code_n, code_s

codes = [


function pframe_naive_vs_shor_syndrome(code)
ecirc = encoding_circuit(code)
naive_scirc, naive_ancillaries = naive_syndrome_circuit(code)
shor_cat_scirc, shor_scirc, shor_ancillaries, shor_bits = shor_syndrome_circuit(code)
nframes = 10
dataqubits = code_n(code)
syndromebits = code_s(code)
naive_qubits = dataqubits + syndromebits
shor_qubits = dataqubits + shor_ancillaries
# no noise
naive_frames = PauliFrame(nframes, naive_qubits, syndromebits)
shor_frames = PauliFrame(nframes, shor_qubits, last(shor_bits))
naive_circuit = [ecirc..., naive_scirc...]
shor_circuit = [ecirc..., shor_cat_scirc..., shor_scirc...]
pftrajectories(naive_frames, naive_circuit)
pftrajectories(shor_frames, shor_circuit)
@test pfmeasurements(naive_frames) == pfmeasurements(shor_frames)[:,shor_bits]
# with errors
for _ in 1:10
naive_frames = PauliFrame(nframes, naive_qubits, syndromebits)
shor_frames = PauliFrame(nframes, shor_qubits, last(shor_bits))
pftrajectories(naive_frames, ecirc)
pftrajectories(shor_frames, [ecirc..., shor_cat_scirc...])
# manually injecting the same type of noise in the frames -- not really a user accessible API
p = random_pauli(dataqubits, realphase=true)
pn = embed(naive_qubits, 1:dataqubits, p)
ps = embed(shor_qubits, 1:dataqubits, p)
mul_left!(naive_frames.frame, pn)
mul_left!(shor_frames.frame, ps)
# run the syndrome circuits using the public API
pftrajectories(naive_frames, naive_scirc)
pftrajectories(shor_frames, shor_scirc)
@test pfmeasurements(naive_frames) == pfmeasurements(shor_frames)[:,shor_bits]

@testset "naive and shor measurement circuits" begin
for c in codes
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/test_jet.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,5 +36,5 @@ end
@show rep
@test_broken length(JET.get_reports(rep)) == 0
@test length(JET.get_reports(rep)) <= 7
@test length(JET.get_reports(rep)) <= 9

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