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Fe-r-oz committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 83154e9 commit 180c9db
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Showing 5 changed files with 77 additions and 29 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions ext/QuantumCliffordJuMPExt/QuantumCliffordJuMPExt.jl
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Expand Up @@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ import GLPK: Optimizer

import QuantumClifford
import QuantumClifford: stab_to_gf2, logicalxview, logicalzview, canonicalize!,
MixedDestabilizer, Stabilizer
MixedDestabilizer, Stabilizer, gf2_row_echelon_with_pivots!
import QuantumClifford.ECC
import QuantumClifford.ECC: distance, AbstractECC, code_n, code_k, parity_checks
import QuantumClifford.ECC: distance, AbstractECC, code_n, code_k, parity_checks,
parity_checks_x, parity_checks_z

import SparseArrays
import SparseArrays: SparseMatrixCSC, sparse, spzeros, findnz, sparsevec
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Expand Up @@ -147,17 +147,17 @@ to a mixed integer linear program and using the GNU Linear Programming Kit.
the code distance was calculated using the mixed integer programming approach.
function distance(c::Stabilizer; upper_bound=false, logical_qubit=code_k(c), all_logical_qubits=false, logical_operator_type=:X)
function distance(c::AbstractECC; upper_bound=false, logical_qubit=code_k(c), all_logical_qubits=false, logical_operator_type=:X)
1 <= logical_qubit <= code_k(c) || throw(ArgumentError("The number of logical qubit must be between 1 and $(code_k(c)) inclusive"))
logical_operator_type == :X || logical_operator_type == :Z || throw(ArgumentError("Invalid type of logical operator: Use :X or :Z"))
l = get_lx_lz(c)[1]
H = SparseMatrixCSC{Int, Int}(stab_to_gf2(parity_checks(c)))
h = get_stab(H, :X)
hx = Matrix{Int}(parity_checks_x(c))
hz = Matrix{Int}(parity_checks_z(c))
l = get_logicals(hz, hx)
if logical_operator_type == :Z
l = get_lx_lz(c)[2]
H = SparseMatrixCSC{Int, Int}(stab_to_gf2(parity_checks(c)))
h = get_stab(H, :Z)
l = get_logicals(hx, hz)
h = SparseMatrixCSC{Int, Int}(hz)
h = SparseMatrixCSC{Int, Int}(hx)
weights = Dict{Int, Int}()
for i in 1:logical_qubit
w = _minimum_distance(h, l[i, :])
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40 changes: 22 additions & 18 deletions ext/QuantumCliffordJuMPExt/util.jl
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@@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
function get_stab(matrix::SparseMatrixCSC{Int, Int}, logical_operator_type::Symbol)
rows, cols = size(matrix)
if logical_operator_type == :Z
col_range = 1:div(cols, 2)
else logical_operator_type == :X
col_range = div(cols, 2) + 1:cols
submatrix = matrix[:, col_range]
non_zero_rows = unique(submatrix.rowval)
zero_rows = setdiff(1:rows, non_zero_rows)
return matrix[zero_rows, :]
A logical X-type operator \$L_x\$ satisfies the
following two conditions:
1. \$L_x \\in \\ker(H_z)\$
2. \$L_x \\notin \\text{Im}(H_x^T)\$
function get_lx_lz(c::Stabilizer)
lx = stab_to_gf2(logicalxview(canonicalize!(MixedDestabilizer(c))))
lz = stab_to_gf2(logicalzview(canonicalize!(MixedDestabilizer(c))))
lx = SparseMatrixCSC{Int, Int}(lx)
lz = SparseMatrixCSC{Int, Int}(lz)
return lx, lz
A logical Z-type operator \$L_z\$ satisfies the
following two conditions:
1. \$L_z \\in \\ker(H_x)\$
2. \$L_z \\notin \\text{Im}(H_z^T)\$
function get_logicals(hx, hz)
m = size(copy(hx)',1)
ker_hx = (gf2_row_echelon_with_pivots!(copy(hx)')[3])[gf2_row_echelon_with_pivots!(copy(hx)')[2]+1:m, :] # nullspace
im_hzT = copy(hz)[gf2_row_echelon_with_pivots!(copy(hz)')[4],:] # row-basis
log_stack = vcat(im_hzT, ker_hx)
log_stackT = log_stack'
pivots = gf2_row_echelon_with_pivots!(copy(log_stackT))[4]
r1 = size(copy(im_hzT),1)
r2 = size(copy(log_stack),1)
log_op_indices = [i for i in r1+1:r2 if i in copy(pivots)]
log_ops = copy(log_stack)[log_op_indices, :]
SparseMatrixCSC{Int, Int}(log_ops)
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/QuantumClifford.jl
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Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ export
affectedqubits, #TODO move to QuantumInterface?
# GF2
stab_to_gf2, gf2_gausselim!, gf2_isinvertible, gf2_invert, gf2_H_to_G,
# Canonicalization
canonicalize!, canonicalize_rref!, canonicalize_gott!,
# Linear Algebra
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1168,6 +1169,50 @@ function gf2_H_to_G(H)

"""Performs in-place Gaussian elimination on a binary matrix and returns
its *row echelon form*,*rank*, the *transformation matrix*, and the *pivot
columns*. The transformation matrix that converts the original matrix into
the row echelon form. The `full` parameter controls the extent of elimination:
if `true`, only rows below the pivot are affected; if `false`, both above and
below the pivot are eliminated."""
function gf2_row_echelon_with_pivots!(M::AbstractMatrix{Int}; full=false)
r, c = size(M)
N = Matrix{Int}(LinearAlgebra.I, r, r)
p = 1
pivots = Int[]
for col in 1:c
@inbounds for row in p:r
if M[row, col] == 1
if row != p
M[[row, p], :] .= M[[p, row], :]
N[[row, p], :] .= N[[p, row], :]
if M[p, col] == 1
if !full
elim_range = p+1:r
elim_range = 1:r
@simd for j in elim_range
@inbounds if j != p && M[j, col] == 1
M[j, :] .= (M[j, :] .+ M[p, :]) .% 2
N[j, :] .= (N[j, :] .+ N[p, :]) .% 2
p += 1
push!(pivots, col)
if p > r
rank = p - 1
return M, rank, N, pivots

# Error classes
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/ecc/ECC.jl
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Expand Up @@ -128,8 +128,6 @@ The minimum distance of a qLDPC code requires:
function distance end

distance(c::AbstractECC; kwargs...) = distance(parity_checks(c); kwargs...)

"""Parity matrix of a code, given as a stabilizer tableau."""
function parity_matrix(c::AbstractECC)
paritym = stab_to_gf2(parity_checks(c::AbstractECC))
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